Chapter 6: Candle's Spark

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*8:00 am*

"Doctor, he's awake."

"Oh, is he? Good job for taking care of him nurse."

"You flatter me. Anyway, I need to go now, my squad is waiting for me!"

"Bye, nurse."

I heard people talking in the background.

"Hey, you're finally awake."

Seeing a stranger standing before me triggered my adrenaline and accidentally did a waki gatame arm wrench with the doctor's arm.

"Who am I, and where am I? Answer me or I'll take a bone or two."

"I-I-I'm Doc. Vadim, a-a professional doctor from Russia. The boss sent you here and told us to take care of you until your health improves! You're name is Kuromu Kurokami, 18 years old and a student in Ichii Gakuen. Due to a shock, you fainted while you're in the boss' wedding reception arrangements."

Oh, so that's what it is, huh? So my whole life was a lie. Everything I've perceived until now was a lie, a temporary memory card. I knew from the start that I have amnesia, I didn't know that it'd be this severe. I have a bunch of memories from my childhood, and some of it still isn't recovered yet by my brain. 

"Well, as you see, I'm alright now. Tell me precisely what day it is."

"It's November 1, 2020, to be precise. You did a great job of recovering your memories from your childhood. What triggered it? I'll need it to make a new article about the cure for childhood amnesia."

I released the doctor from the armlock immediately.

"I saw an old picture. More importantly, where's the boss?"

"Oh, they're getting ready for the marriage tomorrow."


"Yes, tomorrow."

"Sorry doc, but I need to go now."

"No, you still can't. The boss told me not to release you until the wedding's over."

Damn that bastard. He's way too smart for me. He is a cunning, sly fox. It's not like I would hurt the doctor intentionally .

"Oh, you mentioned something about an article earlier right? Don't you think the media could pay you way more than the hospital fees? You will get to be big y'know? Why not a bargain?"

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