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Atlas stood over the lifeless body that was in a pool of blood. He blinked several times as his eyes brimmed with tears, he dropped the knife that was in his hands and swallowed hard. His hands were full of blood along with his white t-shirt. He covered his face then ran his fingers through his hair.

"No, no, no what did I do?!", he whispered to himself. He fell to his knees and picked up the girl he was in love with, who was now nothing but a corpse. "I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to!", his voice cracked.

Time passed as Atlas realized what he had done. Atlas stood up and towered over his dead girlfriend's body, the blood on his hands dry. He began to chuckle thinking about what happened, his laughs grew louder. He pinched the bridge of his nose before grabbing his pack of cigarettes, taking one out, and lighting it.

He took a few puffs before he chuckled again.

"You're a real catch, Lilian. It wasn't my fault, you were being difficult! I tried to love you and you- you wanted to leave. I tried to explain myself but you just kept screaming at me! Telling me that you didn't love me or want me, a-and that's where you messed up.", Atlas said chuckling.

"You just couldn't listen, could you? You were just too stubborn to let me love you! I wasn't even able to tell you because you were screaming at me.", He said before taking another puff of his cigarette.

Atlas paced back and forth on the wooden floor his shoes clicking against it. The smoke satisfyingly left his cigarette leaving the scent of burning tobacco. Atlas let out a deep sigh before rubbing his right eye with his thumb.

"Now I gotta clean this shit up!", Atlas yelled in anger, dying out his cigarette.

He picked up Lilian's body and threw it over his shoulder before carrying her down to his basement. He set her down on the cold cracked cement floor then quickly went back upstairs. Atlas grabbed the knife that was filled with Lilian's blood and washed it making sure it was spotless.

He brought out his mop and began mopping up the blood, it wasn't long until he had to scrub the blood off of the old wooden floor. When he was done he washed the blood off his hands then he went back to the basement. Atlas thought for a moment on what to do with the body, this was something he's never done before and as he thought more about it his heart began to race.

His eyes caught glimpse of an iron door that he'd never noticed before, the whole basement was something he never really, closely paid attention to. There were many rooms, Atlas's blue eyes light up then a small smile appeared on his face. He picked Lilian back up and carried her into one of the many rooms of his basement.

A small flutter appeared in Atlas's stomach, he thought about Lilian's screams as he stabbed her over and over again telling her to shut up. He thought about the look in her eyes as her life was sucked out of her body, a small smile appeared on Atlas's lips.

He had..liked the feeling.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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