Chapter 14

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We all hang around a little longer, I was worried about Payton, Zack followed him after, so I tried not to get involve with their matter, though I still couldn't help but worry.

Like Brandon said, maybe I do need to loosen the leash.

Later, the rest of us headed back to the hotel, Miles went to shower first, I went in to shower after him.

At the time I was done, Miles was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at me.

I didn't say anything as I put my underwear and pants on, "Riley, please listen to me."

I sighed and walk in front of Miles, having him look up at me, "What?"

"What. . . can I do to earn your trust, your heart, all of you?"

"What do you want exactly? Huh? What will you do to give up?"

"Riley, I'm not giving up that easily, not unless you actually give me a chance."

"Do you want to sleep with me? Is that it? After that, will you stop chasing after me?" I asked rashly without thinking, which most part of me regrets it.

His eyes showed disappointment and obviously shocked, he holds my hands from both of my sides, he shakes his head, "Riley!" He shouted with demand, which catches my attention, "I'm serious. I'm serious about you, why don't you understand that? I like you for being you, not your body."

"I'm tired of this," I groaned.

I yanked my hands away from him, and went to bed, Miles turns the light off and lays down next to me.

My mind couldn't help but feeling guilt weighing on my shoulders, just why?


(3rd POV)

Today was the competition, where Riley and his team all compete with the other team, when Riley went to Payton's room, Riley, Payton, Zack, and Miles all walked together, until Payton and Zack disappears from their sight, then he found them making out in the vending machine room.

He freaked out and ran off, sadly Payton caught him due to his speeding level, Payton explains the whole thing between him and Zack, Riley was cool with it, but he was just shocked that Payton kissed their enemy, well, not so much enemies anymore, they're on the same team now, they accept the fact, besides they start agree on some things, but the four friends are still different from the other four.

They all went to the swimming competition and won, correction, the Tigers had won.

Some decided to stay a little longer afterwards, including Riley and his friends, even Miles, and others.

Riley and his friends cheered Danial on for his basketball team, they won too.


The whole week goes by, besides Riley leaving early in the morning and going back to the room late just to ignore Miles, nothing new happened, although Miles hated the fact that he has been ignored but he decided to give him space. On Friday, Payton came out to Casey and Brandon, and they actually took it very well, just a little shocked.

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