Chapter One: Introduction

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"Entry 38: Sunny day outside, warm temperatures, shallower paths and less claw marks than usual" Gadget continues writing more notes, erasing and rewriting when necessary. "2 scales" Gadget erases the last few words and writes down what sonic said.  He looks up at sonic holding the two scales like playing cards,  earning a laugh from gadget. Sonic examines it and starts describing it  "2 dark grayish scales, one with a faint horizontal line through it" He looks closer at the other one. "The other one a lighter grey and no streaks. Both presumably vipers" Gadget writes everything down, he finishes writing and gets up, a bit stiff from sitting down for awhile but eventually stands up.  He fixed his glasses and takes the scales from sonic and examines them.

The one with the faint steak through it  is rough to the touch. "Yep definitely a constrictor"  The other one slick and sharp around the edges. Gadgets finger grazes the tip of the scale, cutting though his glove and nicking his finger. A faint line forming then turning a  dark red.  He pulls off his glove. "Definitely a viper scale"

Sonic kneels down and gently takes the scales from gadget, puling a small cloth bag out of the backpack pocket and storing it in a cloth like bag, pulling the strings tight and then setting it back in the backpack they brought. "You alright?" Gadgets nods in response  and stretches "find anything else?" Sonic looks around, taking a close look at all the trees "Nope,  just the two scales and the tunnel imprints. "Think we should head back?" Gadget looks up towards the sun. its setting,  nearing  evening time. They both know that they don't have to go, but it's suggested by their colleges that they return before the sun fully sets.

They both know what happens if they don't.

Reluctantly, but quickly, they pack up and start back towards the organization main building, ducking under multiple trees and around thick bushes. "So in total we have two scales, and some sketches of the imprints" "And more claw marks" Gadget points out as they pass a tree with 3 faint claw marks on it. Gadget stops and stands in front of it, taking close examining of the depth and witch way they are angled. Sonic stops realizing he doesn't hear gadget and walks back to wear he is "what are you, oohhh wow" Sonic stops and takes a closer look at the markings on the tree.

It looks like a normal tree, trunk and all. But the trunk and length of the tree seems warped? Like a candy cane. but the red striped are taken out and its just the white part. "Maybe it was a constrictor? I mean they do coil their prey and what even else" Gadget finishes sketching and  joins "Maybe this one just decided to coil and climb the tree?" Gadget nods in agreement as they Start walking back eventually reaching the outskirts of the forest. 


"Be safe boys, and do something productive during your time off!" The secretary  says as she walks us out.  Sonic and I walk  into the night, both of us holding paychecks. "Home first or the something to eat?" Sonic thinks before answering, "Food" While we continue walking I quickly notice that there are not a lot of mobians out today, or maybe we're early, I mean we did get back earlier than usual so that might be the reason. We stop by a nearby bank to cash in our checks for bills and then stop at a nearby street vendor for a our regular meals and head home, walking and talking as we do so. 

Back at headquarters..... 

"We have to stop sending them out, it dangerous!"

 "Were sending them to close to the border if they get caught-" 

"Send them"


"Send them, have them go and don't tell them"

 "Are you kidding me X?! were sending them into the forest and not telling them! we could have they could disappear! Get hurt or worse-"

"Sir she's right if we send them they might not come back."

"When they comeback you are going to send them back as usual-" 

 "Their still young! they are very useful to this company, they could get-" 

 "Tell them, warn them, or give of the slightest hint of what happened today you all will  be  fired and it will be a living nightmare for the rest of you, is that understood?"


  "Thats what I thought, now exit my office, all of you."

 Yall like the new updated and restarted version of this book? I hope so (ノ*・ω・)ノ

Anyways, this is the new first chapter of this book^^ for the old chapters I'm going to remove them from this book and delete it, I want to be rid of it bc I really don't like how it started. Also if there are any grammatical  errors don't be afraid to point them out.

Now obviously this is a slower start and I added sonic bc why not?  but we'll get into the shipping soon ;3 but this is how I'm restarting the book so see you in the next chapter!

~Bliss/Blix the hedgehog

(Long term hiatus) My little scientist: An infidget and sonilver storyWhere stories live. Discover now