Chapter 9 - Leaving

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Gabriel and Nathalie were traveling back towards the Agreste earldom as fast as the carriage could go.

"How could it have happened? I prohibited Adrien to leave the house!" Gabriel said in anger and fear.

"It seems he sneaked out the mansion this morning but he hasn't came back yet" the servant explained.

"You should have been more careful" Gabriel murmured trying not to freak out.

"I'm sorry sir, I don't know how this happened, master Adrien has always been obedient"

Gabriel sighed putting his head in his hands, he didn't even have the strength to yell back at the servant at the moment.

Nathalie had teary eyes, she knew it was all her fault but she didn't have the heart of telling that to Gabriel, she managed to make him improve and she didn't want to ruin everything.

However her desire to confess everything was stronger, he deserved to know and she didn't want him to yell at or fire his servitude because of her mistakes.

"I'm so sorry Gabriel" she murmured.

"What? Why are you sorry now? It's not your fault Nath"  

She didn't know why but that "Nath" pronounced by him was everything for her but she probably wouldn't have heard it never again.

She did her best not to cry.

"It's all my fault Adrien is missing"

Gabriel turned his head towards her in confusion. 

"I brought him to the village with me some time ago, he met a girl Marinette, he looked so happy while he was with her so I told him he could have gone back there while we were away"

"What?" Gabriel murmured staring at Nathalie in astonishment, he couldn't believe at what he had just heard.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he whispered, the anger starting to grow into him.

"We knew you wouldn't have approved" Nathalie said.

At that moment the carriage stopped in front of the mansion, Nathalie was expecting Gabriel to yell at her, be mad at her but he quickly jumped out and ran towards the woods followed by the servant.

Nathalie sighed in relief then she followed them.

It was her fault if the boy got lost and she wanted to help as much as she could.

Rain was still falling down but heavier than before.

Nathalie could barely see anything in front of her she could only hear the sound of water until she bumped into something.

Nathalie lost her balance and she would have fallen into the cold water if a pair of strong arms wouldn't have caught her just in time.

"Thank you Gabriel" she said sheepishly.

"Be more careful next time" the man grunted.

Nathalie wasn't sure what to say.

"It looks like the river overflew because of the rainfall" Gabriel said, his voice cracked because of the tension.

Nathalie refused to believe Adrien could have drowned, she had to find him for Gabriel and for the boy's safety.

She didn't care if they would have been mad at her for it but she wanted to search him.

"Adrien!" she yelled.

She hoped he would have answered her.

"Adrien!" Gabriel shouted.

The two stayed in silence for a second listening to every noise coming from the wood.

"I'm here!" Adrien yelled from somewhere, it was almost overcame by the splashing of the water but it was his voice.

Gabriel and Nathalie didn't think twice before running under the pouring rain following the voice. 

Adrien was standing across the river in flood, he was holding Marinette's hand, the two teens looked scared but when they smiled in relief when they spotted them.

"Father! Nathalie!" Adrien yelled stretching his arms towards them.

Gabriel jumped into the muddy water not caring about his expensive clothing and grabbed a root for not being dragged away by the current of the river.

"Take my hand"

Adrien pushed Marinette towards him and Gabriel made her cross the river.

The girl jumped on the dry land hugging Nathalie in relief.

In the meanwhile Gabriel had took his son's hand trying to do the same thing but unfortunately the root broke. 

The two would have been dragged away if Nathalie wouldn't have grabbed the man's arm letting him grab a stronger root near there.

"I have got you" the woman said helping Gabriel and then Adrien out of the cold water.

Nathalie watched father and son hugging each other in relief.

"I'm sorry father, I disobey you" Adrien told him with tears in his eyes.

"It's ok son, what's important is that you are safe now" Gabriel replied through tears.

The man wasn't even mad, he was just glad he didn't loose his son too.

"We were walking through the woods together this morning and when rain started falling down we wanted to come back home but we were trapped here by the overflew river" Marinette explained to Nathalie.

"Adrien was really brave, he caught me right before I could be dragged away by the water and was able to avoid all the most dangerous places, he knows this forest better than anyone" 

Nathalie saw Marinette blushing and smiled and then looked at Gabriel and Adrien who were still hugging murmuring things to eachother.

Nathalie was guilty for putting them in danger, they could have died because of her.

She noticed the servitude running towards the three to help them, after making sure they all were in good hands Nathalie left and returned to the mansion.

She knew what she had to do.


She packed a few things as fast as she could and she prepared to leave that place forever but not before writing something on a piece of paper.

She left the letter in Gabriel's room and ran away hoping she would have been able to take the first train.

𝐿𝑒𝑡'𝑠 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑎𝑔𝑎𝑖𝑛 (𝐺𝑎𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑎𝑡ℎ)Where stories live. Discover now