Is this too cheesy?

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Lexi's POV

I woke this morning to the sound of my phone alarm. The song I had chosen for my alarm was don't wake me up by Chris Brown. Just because i'm ironic like that.

This morning I was in deep thought about school, me getting a makeover and if that changed anything, when Drew called my name. Last night he told me nobody would ever be good enough to date me but Charlie doesn't seem bad. He also mentioned that if Charlie hurts me he will make sure he is too scared too even think about breathing the same air as me. I don't think Charlie is the type of guy who would hurt a girl on purpose. I don't think there will be a need for Drew to get involved. Then again I'm not the best judge of character, because I thought Brad and Melissa were both really good people. I have never been so wrong in my life.

Anyway Jen and I walked to school and talked as normal. When as we were talking someone beeped the car horn at us. I looked at the car which was a Midnight black Ford Focus. The windows were rolled down and I found out who was in the car. Ash! That's who.

He slowed the car down and said "Hey. Want a ride?"

I replied "No thanks. " at the same time Jen said " Sure."

"Why not?" He said looking at me.

I glared at him saying "I'm just not interested."

Then he said"I guess I will just take Jen then."

Jen had that fan-girl look on her face. I bet she was thinking omg he knows my name. I still don't understand what's so great about this guy.

I told him "You're not taking my best friend away from me."

To which he responded "Well I don't think Jen minds, so you can come join us or walk alone. "

Jen spoke telling him I'd come too. He just smirked at me. As we got in the car Jen told me "When Ash Ryder offers you a ride you take the ride." I just gave her a funny look, not sure how to respond.

This car was quite nice I must admit. Also, not many people had cars yet so that was pretty cool. Maybe I can just get Ash to give me rides if he wants to "get to know me" like he says he does. Who am I kidding getting rides to school so isn't worth tolerating this idiot. The radio was on and "Rude" played by Magic. I quietly hummed along while Jen and Ash talked.

Then after daydreaming for a while Jen snapped me out of my thoughts telling me we're at school. When I got out of the car I gave Ash a small thanks - just to be polite. When I turned to leave he help me back by my arm and asked to talk. I told Jen to go ahead. Then Ash asked me "Why so quiet little one?"

I will admit i'm short at 5"4, although he towers over me at 5"9 we aren't close enough to be having friendly jokes. We aren't even friends, in fact I really don't like him.

I gave him the dirtiest look I could muster and replied, "Hey i'm not even that small. Besides, God only lets things grow until they're perfect some of us didn't take as long as others."

He smirked at me while saying "I'm impressed how long have you been waiting to use that line?"

Wanting to end this conversation I said "Thanks for the ride. I'm going to class now." as I began walking away.

The rest of the day was kind of boring. Then lunch finally came. I spent most of lunch with Charlie, Anisha and Jen. Jen and Anisha got on really well, probably because they are just like each other.

I got up from our table, to go to get some lunch. As I was walking I bumped into something hard. I thought it was a wall, but when I looked up I saw Ash with a smirk on his face.

"What are you smirking at?" I asked.

"Just how you can't get enough of me" he replied with another one of his signature smirks.

"Dude, really? Are you delusional or something."

"Yes, i'm the delusional one.", he said while his words were dripping in sarcasm.

What the hell. I'm not delusional, what is he talking about. I glared at him and said, "I'm going. This conversation is stupid."

I carried on walking and got my lunch. Once I got back to the table I was given the Jen, Anisha and Charlie inquisition.


Charlie's POV

What is going on with Lexi and Ash? He gave her a ride and now they are flirting in the cafeteria. Maybe she likes him. Dammit, every girl likes him.

Lexi walked back to the table. Jen and Anisha began questioning Lexi, although I had so many questions I stayed silent unable to voice my questions because i'm afraid of the answers. What if she really likes him and is just playing hard to get.

Lexi looked at me questioningly, probably due to my silence.

"Charlie are you okay? " Lexi's question brought me back to the conversation.

"Yeah, I'm good."

Lexi got up to go to her locker and I went with her. I asked her "Do you like Ash?"

Confusion was evident on Lexi's face. "Why would you think that?"

"When you see him your different. I don't know how to explain it just seems like something is there."

"That's crazy, I can't stand him. I really don't like him. He is a shallow a** who only cares about people's exterior."

I looked at her, from the disgust on her face I could tell she was telling the truth. "I'm glad, I'd hate to loose you, especially to him."


Lexi's POV

I was at home just watching Pretty Little Liars when the doorbell rang. I opened the door and standing in front of me was Charlie. He was dressed in a Pizza Hut uniform and held open a pizza box. 'Will you go out with me or is this too cheesy?' was written on the pizza in toppings. A huge smile spread across my face. Charlie is so cute. I could never say no to him when he has that adorable nervous smile on his face.

Naturally I agreed. Then, I invited him in and we shared some pizza. We ended up watching Flash because it's awesome. We ended up having a horror movie marathon and watched all the saw movies. The old ones are not even gross because the effects are so bad compared to now. Eventually, we both fell asleep on the couch.

I opened my eyes and Charlie was nowhere to be seen. Then, he walked into the room. In his hands was a tray of food. He noticed I was awake and said "Good morning sleeping beauty. Your literally the deepest sleeper ever your phone went off twice and you didn't wake up."

"Hey, I was tired okay."

"I made you breakfast, pancakes and a fruit salad."

"Thank you. I could get used to you always bringing me food."

"No problem. I love seeing the way your eyes light up when you see the food.", he says laughing.

"It's seeing you that makes my eyes light up, not the food. Although, I really do love food especially pancakes."

" I know one of our first conversations were about how your brother ate your pancakes, so you made him get you some. You were hyper that whole day."

"I remember that." I looked at Charlie grinning at how he actually remembers little things. He is so sweet.  Charlie and I spent the rest of the morning talking, then he went home. After he went I called Jen and told her that Charlie and I were going on a date.

Sooo..... that's another part done. How'd you feel about Charlie and Lexi?  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2015 ⏰

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