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Elodie pov
I walked down the halls to my dad's room. I've been in contact with my father since I was 13 when I found out I was adopted. My mum got really sick after having me and he felt like he couldn't cope or provide for me so he put me up for adoption. I know he did it for my best Interests but I wish he would have kept me.

I would have grown up with my biological sister. She was the same age as my brother Harry 7 years older than me. I've never met her. With my dad's illness, he doesn't always make sense. He has early onset dementia it's slowly killing him as he forgets. He sometimes forgets me but I know it's just the illness. I stayed with him for a little one summer before he was sick. I was 15 and it was ana amazing summer just getting to know him.

He doesn't say much about my sister. When I ask he says he'll tell me one day. He'll tell me one day. He's still yet to tell me.

I knock on the door before entering. "Hey, Dad." "Elodie." He said tiredly. "Yeah." I take a seat by his bed. The nurses that look after him say he hasn't got long left so when I get a minute to come I take it. Today filming was cancelled and this is where I came. "How's work?" "It's good. There was a snake on set today." "Yeah." "Yeah." I talk to him for a few hours. He often didn't make much sense but I enjoyed his company anyway. He fell asleep so I took it as my cue to leave. I kissed his cheek and tucked him in.

I may not have had him in my life until I was 13 but he was always there looking out for me. That's why he handed me over to the Styles family. The family that I love very much. I guess in a way it was a blessing that he gave me to them because they were amazing and I loved them so much.

I sit in my car and I cried. My dad was dying and I felt like I just got him back. I was going to have to say goodbye soon. The way he was today I could tell he was getting worse he was talking to me and a wave of confusion washed over his face as he forgot who I was. He was dying.

My phone rang, wiping my tears I answered my phone quickly. "Hello?" "Where are you?" "Huh?" I asked pulling the phone away to look at the ID. Paul? "I'm at my dad's. Just about to leave why?" "We're at your house." "We? We who? Why?" I asked confused turning my car on getting ready to pull out of the parking space. "Me, Ian, Nina." "And why?" "We got bored after going for lunch." "So, you decided to come to my house because?" "Well, you have a pool table." "Right." "And we wanted to play it." "You all have pools, and games rooms and you want to come to my small apartment to play pool." "It's not small." "It's an apartment, it's not exactly huge." "Anyway. How far away are you?" "Like 20 minutes," I say pulling out of the complex, it was raining and awful outside. 

"If you go to the reception and ask for the spear keycard you can let everyone in." "They'll just give it to me?" "No, you'll have to put the code in. Go over and I'll tell it to you." I tell him He speaks to the receptionist and then he was asked to put the keycode into realising the spear keycard. "140901" "Thanks, got it." "Okay, I'll see you in a few." "Drive safe." "Will do." And then we hang up and I put the radio on as I drive to give something to fill my head with because the thoughts about my dad weren't helping my driving skills too much. 

I pull into the apartment complex and head straight upstairs. I unlock the door and I hear music coming from the 'hosting' room. I lock the door back up adding the chain so it won't open even if someone unlocks it. I put my bag away in the closet before heading over to my friends/ co-workers. "Look who finally made it." "Paul said you don't have any bourbon? Is that true?" "I'm 18... I can't drink here." Ian pulled a face. "Plus it's 6 in the afternoon." "Exactly, a little bourbon in this bitch and we'll be flying." "I'm gonna choose to ignore that." 

We played a few games of pool. Nina left to get some alcohol for us all. Whilst the boy continued to play. I sat on a chair on my laptop finishing up some classwork I had to do and submit this week. Nina came in looking a little upset. "I have to go... it's my d-" My phone began to ring. "Hello?" I answer it, it was the care home my dad was staying at, I wasn't being rude to Nina it was just important that I answered in in case something was wrong.

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