I promise.

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"Stop being mardy." I say flopping onto the sofa next to my younger sister. "I miss my chaotic sister. What have you done with her." I say shaking her. "Harry stop." She said kicking me. When i didn't the kick got a little harder before we were playfighting.

"I can't leave you pair alone for to minutes." "He Started it." "She started it." We say in unison. "Did not!" In unison. "Okay, you both started it." Gemma said sitting inbetween us both so we couldn't fight anymore. I still managed to lay my arm on the back of the sofa before hitting Elle on the back of the head. "Harry." Gemma warmed when Elle's head jerked forward. "You're so dead!" She says standing up and then we run around Gemma's house. I was trying to hide from her because she was pretty strong so if she got a hold of me I would be dead. 

"Truce!" I called as I was stuck in the corner of the guest room we were both staying in. Our things were neatly away a trait we both shared and got from mum. Clean and tidy. Gemma didnt her room is a state. "Deal." She says. I piggy back her down stairs. "I missed you." I tell her. "Missed you too haz." She says softly. 

She had been here for a week now and she had been quiet and distant. Anxious mostly. She was worried that when she went back to the states she wouldn't be going back to a relationship. Ian spoke to me the other night. I had to say I was going to buy us something to eat to get out the house and I gave Gem a look so she knew what I was doing. She was in on it all too. 

He explained what had been happening at home and despite his best efforts he hadn't managed to get her to beleive him, that he loved her but she was still giving him the cold shoulder in a very passive agressive way. I wouldn't expect anything else from Dee to be honest. She's lost a lot of people in her life. She loves with her whole heart. She says she doesn't but she does. It's who she is. It's how we had been brought up. Mum used to tell us love people, it's the most expensive gift you can give. Love with everything you are because love can make people feel whole again. And like I said she wont admit she loves quickly but she does and she loves Ian and she's scared to lose him. 

When our dad died, she was only 13 and she told me, after I told her dad passed away. He was our stepdad. Our dad was des, but Robin was in our lives more consistantly. She called him dad, I only called him dad when I was talking about him to Elle. But anyway. I sat her down in the car after picking her up from piano class. It was a thursday 8:02 at night. I remember every detail. 

It was raining, the lights of the street lamps were reflecting off the floor and cars headlights as they drove passed our parked car. She knew something was wrong her eyes already glassed over when she saw me in the car. Mum always picked her up from her classes and I was meant to be in Manchester not our hometown. "Harry." She said with a shaking voice. She knew and I knew she knew. I didn't want to say it because then it became real for her but she needed me to say it. When I told her she looked dead ahead of her out the car window. She didn't say or do anything for a while. "I have my violin class." She said no quiver in her voice no beat missed as she spoke. I told her she didn't have to go but she insisted so I drove her there. 

I waited in the car, I cried most of the time as I waited for her. And when she came over she threw her violin on the back seat. "Careful." I told her "I only learnt how to play for him and now he's dead so who cares." "Dee." "He promised." "He was sick." "He promised me!" "Dee you have to understand he didn't just give up." "Yes he did! He promised me he would be there. That he would fight this to be there and he isn't there! He's gone! He let me love him and then he left!" She was so angry it over powered the sadness she was filling. "He fought. He fought for a long time. And he loved you." "Then why wasn't it enough?" "Elle." "No mum said Love is enough to heal people why wasn't we enough. Why wasn't I enough to heal him. Becuase he's dead and I'm stuck here without a father AGAIN!" She knew about her bio dad at this point, she thought he didn't want her, and Des left us and now Robin passed it was a lot for her to process. 

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