She needs me.

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Elodie's p.o.v

I was waiting off stage to go on for the interview. Ian was stood behind me his arms wrapped around my waist. "Will you just calm down." He tells me. "I'm calm." I tell him, he was planting a trail of kisses up my neck. "You're not." "I just don't want what happened last time to happen." "It won't." He tells me and I nodded, not believeing him, because this could easily go south. Like easily. Theres so much about the cast in the papers at the moment and having us all in one place high on coffee probably wasn't the best way to deal with all the news. But it's the way they were.

"Besides I'll be right there." "Comforting." I say sarcastically, I was only joking and he knew that. "Do you want to go out for dinner tonight?" "I don't know." I reply honestly. It depends how tonight goes. "Okay baby. If not we could grab thai on the way home." "Sounds good." "It'll be fine." He tells me once more. 

Well it wasn't, the interview went south the minute it started. Everyone was acting up and not cooperating with the interviewer. His name was Simon, he was kinda rude. So Paul was being himself and absolutely mocking him and acting like a weirdo the whole time. He kept speaking in random forgine languages and just stringed words together. He was making no sense. Joesph and Daniel swore a few times. I, Claire and Pheobe were dancing at one point. At another point we were talking about a doggy playdate and missed the question to which Phoebe replied yes. The question was who do you get on with the most on set. And she didn't say anything farther on the matter which made me laugh when Matt whispered the question in my ear. I told Phoebe and she just shrugged. 

"So you two are dating." He assumed pointing to me and Ian who were sat away from each other. We were in two rows on the back row was Paul, Joesph, Daniel and Ian and then in front of them were Matt, Me, Phoebe, Claire, Nina and Kat. "What?" Ian asked looking completely confused. "We're not dating." "She's dating me." Daniel lied. He had a wife and kids at home no one who knew anything about him would believe that. "Oh I do apoligise. I thought- You're the one with the kid right?" He asked Ian. "I have a child, but not her child." I pintched the bridge of my nose. As the lies came out it got more elbratort. Now Matt was my current boyfriend and Daniel was my ex. Ian was dating Claire and Paul and Joesph were in a relationship. This interview brought it all. "You have it here first. Thank you for watching and goodnight." The bell rang signalling we were no longer being recorded. 

"My lady?" Matt said offering his arm. I hooked my arm with his and walked off set. We all were laughing so much until we were faced with our Publicis and we got a lecture. And all had to tweet that it was just a joke. Though Paul and Joesph decided they would stay in this fake relationship just for a joke. 

"Told you it would be okay," Ian told me. "Excuse me, that's my girlfriend," Matt said in a valley accent Ian flipped him off before taking my hand. "Play nice." I said patting his head. "So dinner?" "Thai, at yours," I tell him he nodded. "We'd have to go there anyway." He tells me. Roo was already at Ian's because I stayed over last night after we at a friends house. We knew we'd be staying there beforehand so we brought him over there so he wasn't home alone for too many hours. I think it's cruel to leave them for too long on their own. They get lonely too. 

I was so tired that after eating I just laid on the sofa and didn't move, not even to answer my phone. Because I didn't answer Nina rang Ian to get ahold of me. They spoke for a whole. "She was asking if you were home." "No." I say it was obvious I wasn't home. I was in his house. "She said can you come home." "No." I said in the same tone. "She said no." He paused for a minute. "She's drunk." He informs me. "Then call Paul," I say reaching for my phone. "She's at your place." "For gods sake." I exhale sitting up and pulling on Ian's hoodie that was on the back of the sofa. "I'll be back." I tell him.

I drive over to my place which was around 20 minutes away. "What's up?" I ask Nina who was sat on my porch swing. "I couldn't get home." She pouted before taking a drag on her cigarette. "Get in the car, I'll drive you." "You always take care of me." "You're my sister." "I'm your big sister I should take care of you." "You do, now let's get you in the car." "But I don't" "You do Nina. Come on. I'm tired." I insist. 15 minutes it took me to get her in my car. I called Paul on my way to Nina's.

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