Final day

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I woke up in the family room, my neck hurt like a bitch. I rolled it until it felt better and then I listened to hear who was awake. Everyone by the sounds of it. I check my watch it was 10 am. We should head out soon. "Morning." Elle says coming into the family room holding a bowl of food. "Saved you breakfast." She handed me the bowl, a smoothie bowl topped with fruit and oats. "Thanks." I say taking the spoon from her also.

"I heard you and Paul had a little argument last night... Well not argument, he upset you." "You heard?" "Well he told us this morning that you might be a little sensitve... He did't say what it was about but I guessed." "You would be correct." She smiled sadly. "We're all chilling in Kat's and Candice's room, If you want to join?" She offers. "Let me change." I say looking down at my suit I was still in. "I'll come keep you company." I knew she was only coming to keep an eye on me. She'd rather be with her sister right now over being with me and making sure I don't kick off.

It was freezing in our bedroom. The balacony door was left open. Elle closed it rubbing her arms. I throw her my ISF animal hoodie. "Thanks." She pulls it on. It was a little big for her, her shorts just poking out from under it. I change quickly and then walk with her to the other room. "Morning." I greet everyone laying on the bed next to Kat as I eat. "What time are we thinking of heading out?" Paul asked. "After lunch? We can eat and then leave." I offer. "Sounds good to me." "It would sound good to you, foods involved." Nina repliled to her sister. And they shoved each other a few times before laughing. True sisters.

We all packed our bags. Paul went to check us out as I packed the car up. Four hours and then Nina will know our true intensions. This could be classified as abduction... but she willingly got in the car. It was more misleading than abduction right.

I drove Paul sat up front the girl were messing around in the back of the car. "What would your life me like in five years if you never found fame." Candice asked us all. "You go first Elle." "Five years? So I'll be 23." Not even my age in five years. "So I'd probably be in med school. Living with my friends,-"Okay you get to plan for ten years. You're too much of a baby." She laughed. "Sorry... Okay 28... Hopfully I would have found the right guy, settled down gotten married... living in the countryside..." She thought some more, I looked at her through the back mirror. "Getting the house ready for our first baby." "Boy or girl?" "Doesn't matter... I'd be happy," She says smiling. "But without fame, I wouldn't have found my sissy." She says laying her head on Nina's shoulder. I smiled. They got attached to each other quickly. I guess truma does that to you.

"Your go, Nina." We went round the car. "Ian." "So I'll be 31 nearly..." I say counting 5 years quickly. "I'd hopfully have a family, a house wife, children... I'd work as a bar tender... defiently...We wouldn't earn much but we'd be content." "Humble families.""My perfect life would be marrying a doctor, living in a big house in the perfect city raising my children, we'd have a fairytale wedding and live happily ever after." Candice says taking over. We all laugh at the contrast from all ours to her extravagant one.

The four hours went by quickly. Despite pulling over for food at a service station. Nina didn't let Elle go more than five steps away from her. She eyed up every man and his dog that came in 20 feet of Elodie. She was paraniod today. There the worse days for them both. Elle can't leave her side because Nina will hurt someone, or freak out. And nina is on edge all day long. You couldn't talke to Elle, or even look at her without Nina fliching to stop it. It was sad really.

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