Chapter 27

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I woke up to pouring rain, the sound of it hitting the ground reaching my ears. Gazing up at the canopy above me that shielded me from the rain, my heart fluttered in my chest, a big sigh escaping my lips. I had fallen asleep with my head leaned back for God knows how long and would probably have the worst neck pain later on.

My dreams were fusing more into my reality and it physically hurt to be pulled away. The mystery man, whom had no face and whose warm laughter stayed in my mind, was becoming someone I was used to. I loved being with him. Then again, I didn't want to assume that his presence was something real. It was probably a figure that my mind kept showing me to assure me safety even as I slept.

If that was it. If my mind was just giving me something it knew I needed? Why did his touch always feel so real?

Choosing not to dwell on it any longer, I turned my head and watched the rain fall steadily on the flowers around me. They shook vigorously and blew with the wind that came. The rainfall was more at this period of the year for some reason and it shot the temperature down even faster than most would like. Through the downpour, my eyes caught sight of the figure that stood at the porch ahead. My eyes squinted as it looked like the figure became larger, meaning it was coming closer. Soon enough, my eyes widened slightly as I caught sight of Xander's stoic face. He stopped in front of me, pushing the drenched hair out of his face.

For a moment, he tilted his head, observing me like a piece of a puzzle. Then he sat next to me, while my whole body tensed. From the corner of my eye, I examined the dark wash jeans and plain black t-shirt he wore that now stuck to him like a second skin.

"I like the Asters." My first reaction at his statement was confusion and it was like he sensed it as I didn't respond "The flowers. I like them because when other plants seem to be dying, they remain in full bloom."

His finger pointed towards a direction and although I didn't see it, I imagined they would be very beautiful.

"Kind of like you."

"Me?" I asked with a low voice. I felt his gaze bore through the side of my face and turned to meet his eyes. They bounced around my face before locking on to my green ones


I waited patiently for him to elaborate more, but he did nothing but stare at my face. The silence in the air was filled with the symphony of rain and beats of thunder. Facing forward again, I clutched the book to my breasts and heaved another sigh.

"I never imagined things this way." I said thoughtfully

I saw his brow raise from my side eye and took it as a cue to continue.

"I never imagined that I could be civil with you. Never imagined that you would be trying to protect me and my family, albeit selfishly. Never imagined a man like you would like gardening." Never imagined that I would feel anything I felt for him, but I chose to keep that piece of information to myself

"I picked up the habit almost the same time as I did smoking." The simple statement left me with a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions

"Didn't think you were that kind of man."

"What kind of man do you think I am?" looking back at him, I caught the small amusement dancing in his eyes as they had a shine to them

"Not the one who keeps a garden." Shrugging my shoulders, my lips lifted in a smirk "I guess I was wrong."

The head tilt he usually did was in full force again, his eyes calculating and cold, a complete contrast to what they were a second ago.

"I'm everything you think I am." His hand reached into his pocket and I watched as he took out a lighter and a cigarette. I said nothing as he placed the joint between his lips and lit it up with a flick of the lighter. The harsh burn of it hit my senses immediately, but instead of irritation, I was interested in how he inhaled and blew out in a slow deliberate manner

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