I really have to do this?

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Once I woke up and saw we were still in the same position I pushed him off which he didn't take much liking to. I start rushing to get up but he grabs me anyway, without a word he pulls the shirt to stop me then grabs a fistful of my hair bringing me flat on my back. He slowly crawls to a hovering position above me. "Buona notte" [good night] he says very sternly before collapsing half on me. "Its morning" I start pushing him off again this time he was much angrier "Donna, se non ti fermi e vai a dormire non ho controllo sulle mie azioni," [Woman, if you don't stop and go to sleep I have no control over my actions,]he says this while his voice was slowly becoming a growl and was very unstable.

I decided fighting him on this probably wasn't my best option. Tired sleepy people always get very angry for one thing, for another I know Moretti's are well trained and ruthless so him not controlling his actions could get dangerous. Eventually, he fell back asleep this time on my stomach. I thought about it for a really long time, 'did I really want to try and move again?' I did and this time he didn't say anything he grabbed the front of the shirt and ripped all the buttons off.

I was exposed, luckily I had worn my bra but my hands were pinned by his one over sized one.

I struggled a bit before freezing completely and we just stared at each other. Even though he was tired, a faint smirk played on his lips, he enjoyed this, he enjoyed seeing me squirm. When I stop he starts leaving kisses from my neck to my stomach. "Giovanni stop"

"You didn't stop"

"I thought you were asleep"

"So? Where are you going off to"


"you and me both know you have no intentions to just go straight to the bathroom and come back"

"Fine I'm hungry let's eat breakfast"

"Stop making excuses" he decides to continue his assaults kissing and nipping at the neck."Giovanni, please" I say, getting frustrated. This grabs his attention for whatever reason. "beg me" I stared at him being defiant till I felt him move his hands to the clasp of my bra. He waits a second playing with it a little seeing if I really wasn't going to beg, and to be truthful I'm wondering too. Then he did it, he unclasped my bra.

"Giovanni, " I start struggling to leave his hold again frantically which I can't because he has me pinned and is enjoying me doing this. I struggled my way out of his hold and he was quick enough to put me in another one. At some point, he managed to pin me to the point I couldn't move my shoulders, arms, legs and hands.

"Giovanni Please stop I'm sorry" he wasn't done though, he let go and the first thing I grabbed for is my bra which upsettingly gets thrown across the room. He decides to start kissing my chest again "Are you done disobeying me" I nodded slowly just wanting to cover up. He lays to the side making sure I was facing him and his arm wrapped around my waist, and he holds me tightly. He falls asleep again this time I just play in his hair until I fall asleep myself.

When I woke up I noticed I was laying on his chest. When and how did he do that, I'm not a heavy sleeper I should've noticed. He's combing his fingers through my hair which is oddly relaxing, So is his steady heartbeat and the slight rise and fall of his chest. He was really warm and cozy, then I realized I'm in nothing but panties no wonder he's warm. I frantically get up and wrap my arms around myself only to realize that I'm straddling him and he's holding me there by the waist.

"Calm down, love" I looked at him like he was crazy. I leaned over to try and get off of him without using my arms, but of course he bucked his hips and I almost fell, and in an attempt not to I put my arms down to catch myself. "Why are you in such a hurry to get up?" I pay him no mind as I pull away and walk to the closet to get a change of clothes. I put a shirt on then look for some pants to match. "Giovanni What happened to my pants" he was pulling on some pants and says "Why?I'm the man in this family, I wear the pants"

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