Hey guys it's me, the idiot who's been making this wreck of a book for the past few months, this book was fun to make honestly and I'll be continuing soon enough, but for now this is the end of the first book in Grim's little series.
Grim has been a character of mine for years now and if it wasn't for my best friend(The creator of Tiana) he would have never made it this far for me, I've had so many times when I was gonna kill him off and get rid of him, but she was the one who told me to keep him, she had inspired me to work on him and make him better since I didn't like him anymore. So I honestly do wanna thank her, I get that this is a small little book with barely any readers, but I still loved making it, sure it had spelling problems and really short parts to it, but I don't care, I still had fun with it, that's all that matters in the end.So here I'll be first giving credit to my bestfriend, please go follow her on Instagram, her art is wonderful and everything she makes still amazes me till this day! Her insta is @something_geeky_
Now time for my depressing ass to credit myself! My insta is @thereal0penmind
That's with a zero btw, Wattpads zeros be looking like O's.This is the real OpenMind, officially signing off!