Chapter 1: Into the Depths of Hell

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After the invasion of Earth and the human race began rebuilding their lost lives, the Doomslayer stood aloft his Fortress of Doom and decided to venture deep into the depths of Hell so that Humanity might have a longer chance to recover.

After the invasion of Earth and the human race began rebuilding their lost lives, the Doomslayer stood aloft his Fortress of Doom and decided to venture deep into the depths of Hell so that Humanity might have a longer chance to recover

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"This might not work," a voice said.

The remains of Doctor Hayden hung within the confines of the Fortress of Doom

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The remains of Doctor Hayden hung within the confines of the Fortress of Doom. Being the new companion of the Slayer, Hayden would assist the Slayer with combat information as well relaying any important information of new doom incursions or the development of mankind.

"The Demons have countless troops as well as near infinite possibilities of invading. While you may stop their invasion in one sector of hell, the infinite mass that is the Hell Dimension is immeasurable. There is no telling that you jumping into their domain would prevent Hell altogether from invading again." Hayden concluded.

The Doomslayer ignored Hayden's warning and continued his preparations to dive into Hell.

"I knew you would ignore me, but stating the obvious is... well... my job. But do what you will, I'll provide assistance as needed." Hayden stated.

The Slayer started up the portal activation sequence and prepared for another slaughter of the Doom Dimension.

The Slayer started up the portal activation sequence and prepared for another slaughter of the Doom Dimension

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Rip and Tear...

These words echoed alone in the Slayer's mind, an endless reminder of the task at hand and his only goal within whatever limited life that he might have.

He dived head first into the portal and prepared for an infinite slaughter of demons to allow humanity to do what they needed to survive.

The Hell Dimension was uninhabitable to any normal living creature

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The Hell Dimension was uninhabitable to any normal living creature.

Argent Energy scorched the land and air making normal breathing for humans impossible. The air itself could melt the skin and boil blood. But the Slayer was no normal human, he was the pinnacle of wrath incarnate and was about to tear Hell a new one.

"There are demons enclosing on your position now," Hayden informed the Slayer over his helmet communications system.

The Slayer readied his favorite weapon.

The Super Shotgun.

A weapon that many Demon's knew of

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A weapon that many Demon's knew of. The Slayer had made a unique adjustment to the weapon that would allow the Slayer to hook his enemies and pull him towards them.

A group of Imps had made their way close to the Slayer.

He would dispatch them without remorse and their lives to ashes

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He would dispatch them without remorse and their lives to ashes.

He hooked the first imp with his Super Shotgun and pulled his way towards it. Once he was in range he fired at the imp and blasted its face off. The other imps attempted to jump him but he swung around and bashed the closest imp in the face breaking it to pieces and then stomping the other to the ground and caving it's chest in with his boot.

A horde of Demons poured onto his location and the Doom Slayer readied his most powerful weapon. The BFG 9000.

The Slayer cared not if his opponents were ready, only if they feared him

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The Slayer cared not if his opponents were ready, only if they feared him. For their Slaughter, would be Eternal.

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