Chapter 8: Dark Monastery - The Lady of Hell

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The throne from which Lucifer sat laid before them.

On both sides of the room five skeletons stood watching the group approach the desk from which Lucifer sat watching the group approach her. Behind stood two skeletons.

"Well, Well, Well. If it isn't the Slayer. I've been expecting you," Lucifer stated.

 I've been expecting you," Lucifer stated

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"Now then. What is it your after? All the lords of hell have told me about your persistent attacks against our dimension, plus the prevention of the invasion of Earth. I was more or less expecting having to release my full forces against you, but here your are standing before me and with no less than six of my people with you at that? I have an offer, submit to me and I'll let them off the hook. Resist me: and all of you will join the river of souls."

"Woah, woah. Hold on Lucy, this guy is chill," Justice called out.

"What are you doing Justice?" Asked Lucifer with angered look on her, "This is the Slayer. He's destroyed more of our kind that even our own. Whats to say that he won't give us a false sense of hope then destroy us in our sleep?"

"Well why hasn't he now? From what they've told me, he wants to free us from the hell dimension." Justice stated.

"Are you insane Justice? Once you join the dimension, thats it. I'm surprised we haven't been consumed and turned into Cacodemons or Barons of hell at this point. We've been lucky so far, but lets not anger them more by harboring the Slayer here." Lucifer replied.

"Oh come on Lucy, if Hell fears the Slayer I'd say we got a pretty good chance at surviving this by ourselves with him on our side."

"Hmmm. I'd like to know how he found us. He's been fighting the hell dimension for eons. He just found us randomly?"

"I'd jock that up to Beelzebub more than anyone else."

The slayer looked up at the name.

"Possibly. I could see her using the Slayer to get her revenge on us for sending her into the abyss." Lucifer theorized.

"Alright fine, I'll give you a chance to show us your resolve Slayer," Lucifer prepared, "If you can defeat Judgement, then I'll believe your here to save us."

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