Chapter 6: Dark Monastery - The Gamer and the Addict

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The group made it to a large castle.

"Welcome to Lucifer's castle," Pandemonica spoke up.

"I've never been to the castle before, I've always been in the outer villages surrounding the castle." Modeus stated.

"Only the aristocratic demon families are allowed to live here. Those with enough power and wealth can live within the city. That's how its always been." Pandemonica pointed out.

"Wow does that mean Pandemonica is super rich?" Asked Cerberus.

"Well, yes and no. I'm more or less part of the servant class of demon-hood. As such we are used to carry out menial tasks to get things done rather than live a ravenous, successful life." Pandemonica replied sadly.

The Slayer walked towards the bridge leading towards the castle.

A pit of molten hell fire flowed under the bridge where wretched souls yelled out in pain or whaled out cries for help.

"The souls of the damned," began Pandemonica, "This is their fate after meeting with the High Prosecutor of Hell. After she tortures the soul, they meet their end in the river of souls, forever to wonder and languish with their past mistakes. Too late to change their fate."

The group made it to the bridge where two gigantic skeletons guarded their post.

The Slayer readied his Rocket Launcher eager to kill.

"I got this one," shoved in Pandemonica, "Lets not alert the whole castle please."

The slayer lowered his weapon.

"I'm here on official business with Lady Lucifer, I'm part of the Customer Service branch of the servitude class demon." Pandemonica stated showing the guard her I.D. badge.

"I see, you may enter the sanctuary. Are these your companions? They seem like lower class. Although your business is in sanction with the law, it does not guarantee your meeting with Lady Lucifer. If she denies your meeting you will have to leave the Castle." Spoke one of the guards.

"I understand," replied Pandemonica.

The group began to enter the castle as one of the guards noticed the Slayer.

"HALT!" A guard spoke.

"Is this not a human?" Asked the guard.

"Yes, he is," the other replied.

"What does a human have with business of Lady Lucifer?" asked the other guard.

The guard looked at the Slayer.

"Does he seem familiar to you?" Asked a guard.

"Yes, I heard talk from the other realms about a Doom Slayer," the other replied, "Could this be... "

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