Chapter 9: The High Prosecutor

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Lucifer led the group to the farthest depths of hell where a large device of torture and pain laid.

"That's the Sin Machine. A device designed to torture sinners forever for their sins in the real world. Then after the pain is absolute, their souls combine with the river of souls to wonder forever in regret." Pandemonica spoke up.

Once the group reached the Sin Machine Judgement appeared from a portal.

"Welcome my queen! What can I torture for you today?" Asked Judgement sadistically

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"Welcome my queen! What can I torture for you today?" Asked Judgement sadistically.

"This here is the Slayer," Started Lucifer pointing at the Slayer, "He wants to free us from the hell dimension, but I want him to prove himself before we agree to anything."

"It would be my pleasure to fight this combatant for you my queen. It is my job to dull out pain for HELL!" Judgement spoke.

She summoned chains around the Sin Machine boxing in the Slayer.

"Come Slayer! Let us create suffering and pain for eternity!" Judgement yelled

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"Come Slayer! Let us create suffering and pain for eternity!" Judgement yelled.

The slayer pulled out his Super Shotgun to hook onto a piece of block behind Judgement. As he was being lifted up, judgement summoned a chain to wrap around the Slayer and slammed him into the floor.

"Is that all you got human?" Asked Judgement.

After the dust cleared, the Slayer stood staring at Judgement.

"Thats it human! Entertain me!" Judgement yelled.

Judgement jumped to the bottom floor and rushed the Slayer, chains all around her.

The Slayer dodged the chains and pulled out his heavy cannon and shot a volley of bullets at her.

Judgement summoned chains to protect her but the Slayer broke the gap and booted her in the gut sending her flying across the floor.

Judgement got to one knee and wiped the blood from her mouth away.

"Your strong, but lets see you deal with this!" Judgement yelled.

She swung her arms and the Sin Machine started up.

As the floor began to roll towards the spiked conveyor belt, a massive hallway of spinning spikes and chainsaws lay within the Sin Machine along with arcane magic.

Judgement rushed the Slayer as he looked at the machine sending chains to bind him.

The Slayer was bound in chains as Judgement lunged at him with her baton gauntlets smacking the Slayer across the chest and helmet.

The Slayer started taking damage as she increased her ferocity.

The Slayer stood almost edging into the machine as Judgement held onto the chains binding the Slayer.

"Is this all you got Slayer?" Asked Judgement.

The Slayer reached deep within himself and brought forth his rage incarnate.


The Slayer broke out of the chains and grabbed Judgement by the throat.

"WHAT THE..." choked Judgement.

"RIP AND TEAR!" Screamed the Slayer.

The Slayer threw Judgment onto the ground, sat on top of her and began beating her face in with his fists.

Blood spurted out of Judgement's face and the two reached the Sin Machine.

The arcane magic of the Sin Machine took hold of Judgement and the Slayer right as they were about to enter.

"We're through now Slayer, we both shall endure ETERNAL SUFFERING!" Judgement screamed.

The Slayer took out his BFG 9000 and shot it into the heart of the Sin Machine as a green explosion shook the room they were in.

As the Dust settled, the Sin Machine was no more.

Lucifer and the group saw on as the Slayer carried Judgement to the group and had her rest on the floor.

"Why did you spare me?" Asked Judgement weakly.

"Because he wants to help us," Justice replied.

The Slayer nodded.

The Slayer hit a few buttons on his wrist as a portal appeared.

The Slayer gestured for them to enter the portal.

The group hesitated but Judgement got to her feet and stated: "You beat me, and spared me, I'll show you honor and enter your portal."

Judgement disappeared into the portal.

The group looked at each other and entered one by one.

Lucifer stood in front of the Slayer and asked: "Why."

"Human," stated the Slayer, and then entered the portal.

Lucifer looked back at her kingdom and then entered the portal.

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