Meeting her sister

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Angel pov

Today is a good because I woke up in the morning happy. I see Sakura sleeping peacefully and made smile because her face is cute. Today is Saturday and we are going on a date. I'm happy and excited. So I got up and changed my clothes. I went to wake up Sakura.

Angel:" wake up and get ready for our date." She woke up  and yawn. She looked very cute when she yawned. She looked at me and was happy to see me ready for our date.

Sakura:"I'm happy you're this ready for our date." She looked happy about this.

Angel:"I am very excited for my date with you because you're beautiful." I smiled and she started blushing because what I said. I'm happy for this date.

Sakura POV

I was excited for this date and he actually did care. I love him for this and I got really happy. So i got up and i was starting to dress for our date. I really am for this date. I can wait to kiss him and again. Maybe we could go to the next level.

Time skip

We are now at a restaurant and he bought me food like a true gentleman. I was really enjoying our food and date. Can't wait to see what will happen next. So our next stop was at a arcade. We went to play games and I saw very interesting bear that i wanted. I asked him "Angel can you get this for me. I really want this bear. Please for me." He said ok then went to the crane game and started to get the bear. But he failed to get it but eventually he got and gave it to me. I was so happy and I kissed him on the lips. It was a very passionate kiss and I loved this kiss. He was surprised but kiss me back.

The next thing we went to was a photo booth and took pictures of us. I was really happy about this moment. I really want this man to be my future husband and become his lovely wife. I want to bare his child. I was really enjoying my date and we went to a store of clothes. He bought me every clothe he and I enjoyed.

Then I wanted to go to and get a sexy lingerie for him so I grabbed his hand and took him to the lingerie store. He was embarrassed but I enjoyed his embarrassed face. So I got this sexy lingerie and went to change my self to show him this lingerie. I called him to help me strapped my bra. He was embarrassed but he helped me but he was looking away so I grabbed him and brought him in. So he can look at me and see if he likes this lingerie.

Sakura:"please look at me see if you like this ok." I was embarrassed but I wanted to see me on this sexy lingerie. He looked at me and said "it looks great on you sakura." I was happy because he actually likes it. So we got of the store and he bought me the lingerie. But I felt a presence like if someone is following us so I look around and saw a group of men following us. This could end badly and I really was enjoying my date. But good things got to be ruined by someone. So I told angel that someone is following us so he looked behind us and said ok.

So we run away and tried to lose them but they caught on. So I was ready to fight them but angel was in front of me and trying to be my knight shining armor but he fought good but still over power him. They looked at me with lustful looks and so I ready my weapons to fight. I beat one guy and beat a second until one guy grabbed me behind me and push me down.

The 3rd guy said:" let's fuck this bitch and rape her because she looks so damn hot and sexy." He looked at me and had an evil smirk. The other guys grabbed me and hold me down. The fourth guy tear down my skirt and looked at my private area. The fourth guy said " man this chick looks like virgin. We got a good catch." He was ready to rape me. I said to my self "no that is reserved for angel and only for him." I began to cry. 1st guy"dont worry baby we won't hurt you because we are going to have a good time."

Angel pov

I tried to help sakura but I was weak and couldn't help her. She was crying and I hated this and want to beat the shit of this guys. But I couldn't and looked at her. But that's when a girl a wearing purple suit. Similar to what sakura was wearing when I first met her. She said "stop this right now or there will be trouble." But the 1st the guy said "look another bitch to fuck." But the girl didn't look happy and beat the 1st guy to bloody pulp. And the guys weren't happy about this. So they started to attack her but each one of them got beaten so fast that I couldn't catch to her movements. She then looked at me and wasn't happy about me because she gave me a look of disgust. She then look at sakura and had worried face and said something that was surprising for myself.

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