Being saved by the Taimanin and A new Girl Part 1

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Asagi pov

I haven't seen my sweetheart. Where is he, I'm worried. Then my sister came and told that something has happen.

Asagi:"Sakura what happen to Angel. Where is he?!"

Sakura:"Well sister, Angel has been kidnap. We know who kidnap but we don't know were they took him."

Asagi:"Tell me who kinap him or else I'll find him myself!"

Sakura:"Well it was the princess of hell Felecia. She took him and don't know what she do to him." Sakura was worried for Angel safety.

While she was worried. Asagi wasn't that happy. She was furious.

Asagi:"Why does she have him! To use him a sex slave! I don't want him to die or get raped by a evil bitch!"

I was furious so I left angry and to go find him for myself. That is until my commander stop me from going. I wasn't happy that she stop me from going to save my love.

Julia Bloodstone:"Look Asagi, I know how important this person is to you but you can't go by yourself. I know how you love him. So we are going to do anything in our power to get him and rescue him."

Asagi:"Ok, but if you fail to get him then you are responsible for this. I will rescue him commander. If your permission can I go with the team."

Julia:"I'll allow you and be careful. You are the strongest member in this taimanin organization. You are the most valuable team and the best. So go with team and follow orders."

Asagi:"Yes commander!"

I then leave and then I went to the house of my dear Angel. I wish that i was there for him. But i never came and rescue him.

I see my sister Sakura laying in the bed of Angel. So I cover her so she can't get cold. I then went downstairs to see Shiranui and Yukikaze asleep in the couch.

They also were worried for him. So I gave them blankets. I then remembered my Angel and he always gave me that smile.

He was different from any other man. He cared about us and has a kind heart. He later will be selfless and will protect only for him to get hurt.

I do miss him. When I was about fell asleep. I felt a presence and then I see orcs. So I got up and went to wake up the others.

Asagi:"Sakura, Yukikaze, and Shiranui wake up. We are being watched."

Then they all started to wake up. They getted ready for combat and kill them.

No one pov

Orcs were trying to get in and rape the girls.

Orc 1:"Hey are we going to catch some nice virgin pussy today. Because I'm horny to fuck this sluts."

He licked his lips. He was ready to get some fresh meat.

Orc 2:"Yeah I can't wait to fuck that chick name Asagi. I heard that she has some nice round ass. So I can't wait to fuck her."

Orc 3:"Shut up! Ok here is the plan. They are asleep. So we can tie them up and then have our with her. Because our queen said we can have some fun with these girls."

Then they enter the house and was ambushed by the taimanin group girls. They were surprised and they attack them. One orc gets stabbed in the eye and goes through his brain.

Asagi then kills the 2nd orc and slam him in the ground. She heard everything what they said and was furious. She would not let her virgin self get tainted by the likes of a orc.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2021 ⏰

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