Meeting two new friends, a stalker and a harem

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Angel POV

So after the principal getting arrested for I dont know why he got arrested but as well getting the students calm. All the students went home. Asagi, Sakura, and I went home. When we went inside of my home. I went to rest at the couch to think about my life.

Then I see Asagi and Sakura acting differently. Sakura went up to me and asked me something that surprise me.

Sakura:"Angel can we talk about something."

Angel:"Yeah sure, what do you want to talk about."

Sakura:"Well I wanted to talk about our relationship."

I was so worried that I thought that we were going to break up or that she didn't want me anymore.

Angel:"Look if you think I'm not good enough or that you caught me kissing your sister. Then we could work something." I was so worried but then she kiss me and then she ask me something.

Sakura:"No silly we aren't breaking up. I just want you to know that you are the perfect man and that you are loyal to me but is going to change."

Angel:"What do you mean change?"

Sakura:"You're so dense but that's the thing I love about you. Anyway me Asagi and I decided to share you and that I can't handle all the kindness you have ok."

She smile at me and that's what makes her beautiful. I was happy but worried about sharing because one is that Asagi is a teacher and that she older than me. She looks around her early twenties. She then kiss me and bow to ask me to accept her.

Asagi:"Please accept me as your girlfriend and as well as your future wife. I'll take of you and be loyal to you."

She seems so worried about my answer. So I decided to be her boyfriend. I won't make a woman  cry or be sad. I do care about her so I won't her feelings.

Angel:"I accept you as my girlfriend. As well as my future wife. I'll treat you with kindness and loyalty with you and your sister." I smile for her.

Asagi was so happy that she kissed me and hug me so hard that I was suffocating. Not just with her hug but as well as her boobs. I was tapping her to let go but didn't notice.

Angel(thoughts):"I can't breath. But I'm happy that she's happy that I accepted her feelings for her."

Asagi pov

Asagi:"You don't know how happy you made me."

I was so happy that he accepted my feelings for me and that he can be my future husband. Even though that I'm older then him I don't care. He is 17 and I'm 21.

But my sister was so jealous that I'm getting all the attention than she is but she needs to learn when to share.

Sakura POV

Man my sister can be so attached to him that I'm jealous. But at least my sister is happy and that we get to share him. But I got the feeling that she won't be the one to join this little harem of Angel.

I was getting angry that I grabbed my boyfriend/future husband and took him away from her. Because she is getting all the attention for herself.

My sister and I started to fight who would go on a date and who he likes more. Even though I agree to share him I started to fight him.

Asagi:"He will like me more and I will date him. This weekend me and him will go on a date!"

Sakura:"No I will go on a date with him!"

Angel pov

This is getting ridiculous. I thought they agreed to share me but now are fighting who will go on a date with me.

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