Meeting the Princess of the underworld

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Angel pov

Well it's been a week after what happen with the girls. They all agree to share me and that they will protect me from any danger.

When I went to school. All students looked at me and had this big aura. They all glare at me.

I feel the reason is that because the heard about me dating four hot and sexy girls. One of them is the new principal of this school. A teacher who is dating me and two new students dating me.

They all hang out with me during lunch break. All the guys have been bullying me. They punch me hard in the face and throw me at the garbage can.

Asagi has notice this and has been trying to help me with anything she can but I said no.

Even Sakura has been trying to help me and care for my well being. Even though I said no and that I'm fine. They all didn't like response but accepted.

After classes, a group of big kids which are in the football team have took me or drag me to this hiding place. They looked piss.

Todd:"Look what we have here. A little simp coward. Who can't defend himself or protect his girls."

Fredrick:"Yeah what do you have the girls. Which are the hottest girl in the school. And I see you with them and even kissing you. What the hell man."

Todd:"Well looks like time to beat you up hard and maybe kill you for dating four sexy girls."

They all started to beat me up and I couldn't protect myself. I just wanted a normal life but then Sakura, Asagi, Shiranui, and Yukikaze. They all came and then my life has change.

All the girls were great girls who they care for me. But now look at me. They are right, I'm a simp and a coward. I don't deserve them and don't need their kindness to me.

But then they all stop hitting when they heard someone yelled at them.

When I looked at the person who yelled was none other then Asagi.

Asagi:"You guys better stop this or else you all are going to get expelled."

She didn't sound happy. When she is angry, she brings a new whole personality. I know this because of my experience.

Todd:"Well well if isn't the hot teacher. Well look bitch. This doesn't concern you so go."

He demanded this but Asagi didn't left and stay there.

Asagi:"Look Todd, if you think that you could command me then you're wrong."

She said it very strict and angry. That is why I don't make her angry because she might break my bone.

Todd:"Ok then how about this then, we can negotiate by you taking your clothes off and have some fun with us sexy. Or else he gets more beatings."

Then Asagi did the impossible by kicking him in the face. Then the guys try to hit her or grab holf of her. But none got close and she beat the next guy by breaking his bone.

Then the next try to hit her square in the face but she dodge and grabbed his hand twist his hand. She later then kicked the next guy square in the face.

They all looked scarred of her. Even me. I was so scare that she could do that to me if I made her angry. Then she looked at me.

She picked me up and took me to the nurses office so I can heal up.

She then left and I guess she went to tell Shiranui about what had happen to me.

Timeskip next day

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