Chapter One

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Daen has been working in a florist shop called the Delicate Fern, the last couple of months after graduating with a degree in Floriculture and Floristry management. She hopes to be able to help someone further their florist shop to make it into one that is recommended worldwide for their flower displays and bouquets.

She is happy with her life, job, and her friends that she has in Flowerville. She has been helping a young army veteran from a small town called Silver Springs, they have become good friends over the past couple of months, and they still continue to help each other.

Daen has been feeling that there was something not right over the last month with her elderly boss, she was hoping that everything was alright and that it wasn't anything major. She knew that she would not be able to continue running the shop forever.

She had hoped that she could take it over, but little did she know her dream of owning her shop would be crushed that day. Daen walks into the Delicate Fern to see a number of her boss's adult children and hearing the conversation being had, she has a sense of forebode.

"You have to give the shop up Mum, you are not well" Fred says to his mother with concern.

"You are being stubborn" Cassie said shaking her head and looking at her brothers for help.

"Mum, I know you want your independence. The doctor has told us, you can't keep living on your own and also managing the shop. Something has to give way to your health" Peter annoying said.

Daen hearing the conversation "what is going on? What are you all doing here?" with concern in her voice for her elderly boss, she felt that they were bullying her into selling the shop.

They turn to her, "it is none of your business at the moment, you will find out when the decision is done but for now, you can go home" Cassie states rudely.

"Daen, it is okay, could you please organise the deliveries out back for me and if you do not mind, could you please do the delivery run this morning as it seems my children have scared off the poor driver this morning" Mrs Foley said sadly, she knew they would not leave until they got their answer which would put poor the dear out of work.

"Mrs Foley, I would love to do the deliveries for you this morning and I will bring back some tea and biscuits from our favourite café" Daen said with a smile on her face. Mrs Foley agreed with what she had say.

Daen walked out the back to the fridges and where all the other supplies were for the deliveries that needed to be done. It would give Mrs Foley sometime to deal with her children. She would get some other things done as well while out that she had not be able to do.

She arrived back to the florist. Mrs Foley children had left, but she feels that something was not right, she walked through from the rear of the shop with the teas and biscuits in her hand, she finds Mrs Foley looking upset from her visit with her children.

"Mrs Foley? Is everything alright?" She asked sounding concerned. "No, My Dear, please sit down, we need to have a chat and it will not be a good one as I have some bad news" Mrs Foley said soundly upset.

"What is it, what happen with your children?" Daen clearly not happy with what has happened.

Mrs Foley explained that her children wanted her to move into an aged care home. They do not think she was capable to look after herself, specially with her health now declining. They want to sell the shop to help fund her placement in the home.

Mrs Foley explained that she did tell them. That Daen was happy to take over the running of the shop and to keep a salary for herself. But the children told her that it was going to be sold, so that would mean that Daen would be out of a job.

Daen could not believe what was happening. Why was it?. The bell above the door stopped her from focusing on the issue at hand. The shop was now in its busy period of the day. She got to work serving customers and receiving orders for bunches of flowers to be delivered the next day.

Mrs Foley asked her to close up for her as she was not feeling well at the moment and needed to rest. Daen nodded her head telling her it was okay as she was in the middle of serving a customer and did not want to be rude. She heard the back door close, she hoped that Mrs Foley would be alright after what had happened that morning with her children.

Once three o'clock come, the shop slow down to a couple of customers here and there. She was able to make a start on the orders for the following day with the flowers that had been delivered that morning.

She opened a number of boxes and the perfume that met her was uplifting, she always loved. When they were cut fresh, Her most favourite thing was, when they flowered in her small garden and the bees came in to get the nectar to make their honey.

If she had to move. She would miss all of this. Unless, she got a place in the town with a garden established. All she would have to do was put in her flowers. She would have to start from fresh as she would not be able to transport them, due to quarantine reasons due to diseases and pests that her location had, that the state didn't have.

She looked at the clock behind the counter and noticed that it was closing time. Making sure that the shop was clean and the orders were put away before she left. She shut the door behind her and heard her name being called, she turned to see Stephen walking up to her. She smiled.

"Hey Daen, how was work and are you free to see a movie or have dinner?" Stephen said with a smile.

"Work was good by-for the fact that Mrs Foley children come in to see her and push the issue of her retiring from the business. The fact I will lose my job as they are selling the business and not keeping it running, which would give Mrs Foley income" Daen said with saddest in her voice.

"How about we grab some pizza and either eat at my place or yours" Stephen said with a hopeful smile. Daen could not say no to him. He had helped her a lot, since they first met. Stephen was a returned service member having served in a number of war zones, she clicked with him from day one, it was almost like the universe was putting them both together, it was hard to explain.

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