Chapter Six

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There was a knock at the door, which was the doctor coming in with the discharge paperwork. Daen was happy to see the doctor, she was getting out of the hospital, she always hated them, but never knew why maybe something in her past had triggered that dislike of the hospital but that was for another day. The doctor was explaining to both Jamie and her what her discharge detailed because there were a couple of things, that wasn't on the discharge form, the doctor had written them down on a separate piece of paper. This would be for Amethyst's Shop, Hex You as she would be able to help them and not modern medicine.

Both Jamie and the doctor walked out of the room to allow Daen to get change with the help of a nurse, which Daen was grateful for as the pain from the bruising was a little uncomfortable to manage with on her own. Once they had finished, the nurse let Jamie know that she was ready to go but they had to wait until she got a wheelchair to take her downstairs.

"Do I really need a wheelchair?" Daen said whimpering

"Young lady, it is hospital policy for you to be wheeled out of the hospital," the nurse said angrily.

Daen felt a little kid who had stolen candy, but she understood and didn't want to get the nurse into trouble and the faster she got out of this place the better she liked it. Jamie walked beside the wheelchair lost in his thoughts when he phones beeps, letting him know that he had a message. Look at his phone, he sees that it's from Stephen.

Just an update, I will be arriving tomorrow morning around 10 am, I will hire a car at the airport and drive to your place.

Jamie smiled, this was good news, he couldn't wait to see his mate. He texted.

Perfect will catch you up on everything tomorrow, by the way, both Padraig and Diarmad will be coming back stateside in the next 48 hours, will know further info from both later.

Stephen sent him the thumbs up, Jamie was glad he wouldn't be alone trying to help out Daen with this guy, once they saw Amethyst in the morning, they would be okay to sort other things out as well, at least Padraig and Diarmad had their own place which means his place wouldn't be overcrowded with everyone there.

The nurse asked Jamie where his car was, he pointed over to a blue Shelby Mustang GT, he opened the door for Daen, so she could get the car, holding her hand to help, he felt a small electrical charge, nothing dangerous but it was the beginning of something special.

Jamie started the car listening to the purr of the engine, he loved the sound of it, he looked over to Daen, seeing her looking out the window, he asked if she was ready to go home? She told him that she was. He pulled out of the hospital entry and onto the main road. He drove to his apartment. He noticed that Daen was quiet, he looked over to see her asleep.

She must not have had much sleep, for her to be this tired, with everything that was going at the moment, he wasn't surprised. He wasn't sure if he would wake her or not, he might just carry her into the house and if she wakes up, he will deal with then.

He needed to work out, how he was going to deal with Stephen coming in tomorrow because normally he would stay with him, he might talk to his father, he won't be happy that Jamie is asking for stuff but it had to be done to keep Daen save. But that would be a  tomorrow thing because he wanted to see how Daen really got on with Stephen if Stephen was making it up or not. He wasn't named the Joker for anything, the guy loved his pranks when they were all serving in the middle east, he wondered if it was true, what happens to change the man that much. He had this natural joker personally if Daen had done so much for his friend in the last six months, it would be amazing to see the change.

He arrived at the apartment, speaking to Daen and letting her know that they were home, she didn't move at all, so he got open of the car, walked up to the front door, unlocking and opening the door, so he had clear access, he walked back to the car, opening the door, he undid Daen seat belt. Letting her know that he was going to lift her up and out of the car, she didn't flinch when he lifted her up into his arms. She shifted her body as she was more comfortable in Jamie's arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2020 ⏰

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