Chapter Five

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Paddy wrote down a couple of notes about things he had to do later in the morning, he couldn't believe that he was here in the middle of nowhere and his mate was stateside in a world of trouble because of some stupid magic drink, he would need to track down Diarmad, hopefully, he was out on patrol and they could both organise leave.

Silver Springs

Daen had been thinking about what the doctor and Jamie had been saying about her needing somewhere to heal, she couldn't do that travelling from location to location, it would be too much for her body to cope with. If she stayed with Jamie, she would have a roof over her head for a couple of weeks and she would also have someone there if that guy showed up again. She also had to shake whatever was happening to her system off, it was like someone had tried to drug or poison her, it was a terrible feeling to deal with. She closed her eyes for a little while.

She started to wake up to the feeling that someone was in her room, she slowly opened her eyes and let them adjust to the light in the room, the more she opened them, the more that feeling of something bad was going to happen got stronger. She presses her call buzzer to let the nurse know she needed something; she was glad the person wouldn't know that she had done so. She felt someone sit down on her bed. Trying not to move a muscle, that's when she heard that voice.

"You are mine and no-one else's, you will die being mine and your mates will die with you, you will also feel die feeling the worst pain anyone in their life has felt and that is of a broken heart but yours will be must worse than a normal person because you have four mates, you will four times the pain of their hearts breaking," the male said with so much hatred for her and her mates.

She didn't know who this man was, he must be insane to think she had four mates, how would he know that, why was he doing to this to her, she just wanted to live her life in peace. but knowing what this man had in mind, she had to let someone know what was happening and this just concreted her travel plans for the next three weeks, she will be staying with Jamie.

She heard a female voice asking the man what he was doing in her room, he apologised saying he had the room and he was leaving now, the nurse waited until he left to check on Daen to make sure she was okay.

"Daen, are you okay? what did that man want with you?" the nurse asked

"I don't know and I am not sure, could you do me a favour and ring Jamie please, I think his number is on my file" Daen shaken

Daen needed to think, why was this man after her, what had she done to him for him to come after her, was it the rude hotel owner or was it some totally separate. She would stay with Jamie, at least she was somewhat safe there, she would need to be careful when she went out during the day, she would need to carry some pepper spray, just in case he comes after her. She heard a male voice, looking up she saw Jamie standing there.

"Daen are you alright?" Jamie asked sounding concerned.

"Jamie, I am so glad you are here; I think the guy who told Max that I was his girlfriend was here, threatening to kill me and cause my four mates harm, but I don't have any mates, what does this mean," Daen said with tears flowing from her eyes.

Jamie walked over to the bed sitting down, opening his arms to offer Daen a hug, which she accepted, she felt his warmth against her skin, it felt like she was home but how could that be, she hasn't had a boyfriend in her life since she left high school, because she wanted to commit to her floristry studies and now, she didn't know what she wanted.

She just wanted to understand what life was dealing out to her at the moment, so much had happened in the last week, first her job, then the attack and now the possibility of her having a number of men in her life. what was she going to do? She felt Jamie move, looking up she could see the concern in his eyes.

"Jamie thought about what you and the doctor were talking about earlier and if that offer was still available of me staying with you until I was healed, I would love to take it up. Because I am thinking if what this man was talking about is true, I would need somewhere safe to stay." Daen said feeling hopeful that Jamie's offer was still on the table.

He smiles, "yes, the offer was still on the table and would love to have you stay with me for a little while, if you would like and the doctor is okay with you leaving the hospital, then I am happy to take you home tonight."

"Jamie, that would be great as I am starting to get sick of being stuck in the hospital, I need the fresh air." she wanted to say the smell of the flowers because they would energise her.

Jamie got up and went in search of the doctor, while she was waiting, another man walked into her room, she had never seen this man before, but he did something to stop time, she did not understand what was happening until he spoke to her.

"Daen, I am Conchobhar, I am sure that your grandmother has spoken about me in the past, she might have called me Con, I am not here to hurt you but to let you know that you are in great danger from an ancient warlock who feeds on young magical women, I know you are going to tell that you don't have any magic, but you do, you will need to see Violet over at the library, she will have a number of books that will help you out," Con said

"What the hell, yes, my grandmother did mention you, why would I only be finding out I had powers now and not when I was younger and why does this guy want with me?" Daen said sounding scared of what Con would say next.

"I am sorry Daen for scrying you, it was not my intention to do so. You know your love of flowers, well that is where you get your power from. The man who is after you has already attacked a number of young women gaining their powers and killing them and their mates in the process, each of the pairing died of a broken heart because Draken would shapeshift into the women and then find each of their mates, telling them that she didn't love them at all." Con was concerned about Daen's lack of powers. Daen nodded along with what Con was saying with her loving flowers. But what she didn't understand was, if she had powers why hadn't they kicked in yet. What was wrong with her? Con could see that Daen had things going through her head.

"Daen is everything alright, you are looking a little concerned there. Is there anything I need to know?" Con said with concern in his voice.

"Con, if I have got powers, why have they not kicked it in yet, I don't understand that. I have possibly four mates but how? There is so much I don't know or understand" Daen said frustrated.

Con went to say something and disappeared, Daen let out a frustrated sigh. Jamie walked in the room, seeing Daen frustrated about something. He wanted to ask about what happened but decided against it now and would talk to her, when they got home, at least he would know no-one was listening in to their conversation.

"Daen, good news, the doctor will be here in about twenty minutes and you will be discharged from the hospital. Would you like to go out for a bite to eat or just go straight home and I can make us both something to eat?" Jamie asked

"I would love to just go straight home if you don't mind, I am just feeling really tired and want to sleep, I haven't really slept that much the last couple of days," Daen said yawning.

Jamie nodded his head, he would wait until the morning to let her know that he would be having a number of visitors, that would help with her safely, she already knew one of the visitors and that was her friend from Flowerville who was coming home to Silver Springs to help with her and also to let her know that he was also her mate. But Jamie suspected that she already knew that Stephen and Daen were mates, possibly from the first moment they met back in Flowerville.

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