Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

The doctor wasn't sure how to explain what was happening to her without her discovery, who and what he and the others were in the room. Daen felt uncomfortable because she knew people were keeping secrets from her. Jamie walked over to her to see how she was.

'Hi, I am Jamie, I was the one who found you, I am not sure if the paramedic explained who I was or not?' He said with a smile.

"I am Daen, I don't know who attacked me as happened from behind, but it felt weird like the person was doing this on purpose. I had some strange stuff happen since I drank a cup of coffee, a couple of hours ago," she said trying to shake the uneasy feeling she had.

"In what sort of weird stuff? are you sure it not the concussion talking?" Jamie said feeling a worry with this outcome.

"I have seen a guy change from a man to a unicorn, this weird orange light that leads me to your home and this stalker guy. I am not sure what is happening but it feels magical to me. My great grandmother had some powers, but we are not sure what they were and how they affect us and most of it died out" Daen said.

"It is interesting. Considering that the coffee you drank would normally only affect these of us with magic that I know of" Jamie said with thinking look. There was a knock at the door. The Doctor who was examining Daen earlier walked in. Introducing himself Dr Stephens.

"The results are in and they are looking very good, I am still awaiting the x-rays but with the fact that your blood tests have come back good, I am just a little worried about your shoulder and knee, we just have to wait". Doctor Stephens said.

Daen thought to herself that the men in this town were good-looking and the fact she had found someone who she didn't know anything about was a mystery and it will be an interesting one to solve. She wonders if she had any other as well. She knew that sometimes mate would be in groups of up to four. She needed to work how she was going to support herself. She would be happy, would once hold from the injuries she got from the guy who attacked, and then she would see what happens.

She suspects that she might know someone who is connected to her and that was Stephen. She would have to wait to see and if he comes home from New York and then that will the major turning point for her and anyone else connected to her. She had to worry about the guy who attacked her. She suspects that the guy from the fuel station had something to do with that but why would he do that to her, she was no-one special.

"Dr Stephens, what do suspect is wrong with me then?" Daen asked she wanted to know what that bastard did to her. Jamie looked at the Doctor wondering the same thing. He knew that she had minimum broken ribs and some nasty cuts on her arm, which they had started to stitch. He hated the medical profession when they stitched up because they leave scars and this one will be a big one.
"We know that you have numerous bruises on your arms. We are worried that you might have some broken bones from the attack. What we have seen of the cuts on your body, you were lucky that they weren't as deep as were, because we might have had to take you up to surgery to close them up" Dr Stephens said.

The nurse knocked on the door to let the doctor know that the result of the x-rays are back if he wanted to look at them. Dr Stephens excused himself and went to check them over. He was glad that there were not any broken bones. Some bad bruising and her results were clear of a concussion as well which was good. They didn't need to transfer to Scarborough, they could treat her there.

He walked back into Daen's cubicle letting them know that the results were clear for concussion and there were no broken bones. Daen was happy that there was nothing major wrong and that she will heal in a couple of weeks from the bruises. She needed to find somewhere to stay.

She asked Jamie where she was staying was available in town. He looked at her and told she could stay with him as he had heaps of room. It was one person in the house at the moment and it was in a pretty quiet and there was a courtyard in the back where if she wanted to, she could sit out there and relax.

Daen told Jamie that he didn't have to do that. She could stay somewhere else in town. She would not be leaving anytime soon, and if she wanted to have some time alone, to work out what she had to do with herself. She could have a chat with the local florist and see if they needed some help.

She thanked Jamie for his help, and she would think about it. She wanted to wait until everything was explained to her, what she could and couldn't do with her bruising and the cuts. Dr Stevens told her that as long as she took it easy there would be no issues at all. She would need to check in with him in about 10 to 14 days to get the stitches out and not to get them wet. Jamie told her that he was going to down to the cafe downstairs to get some food and a drink and if she wanted anything. She asked him for a coffee as she missed her coffee and the ones here were not nice.

She was glad that Jamie had walked away, she was having issues with the mating link and being able to think at this stage. Someone needed to explain what it was and how it would affect her and anyone else who is bonded to her. She did like Jamie. He was tough outside, because of something that happens in his past.

She would not ask him anything about it. Knowing he would tell her later if it was important. She felt safe with him and had the feeling that there was someone out there. That wanted to destroy that happiness. She and the others could not allow that to happen as it was too important.

She had been pretty much isolated from the world. It wasn't until her father passed that she was able to live her life as she wanted to, and she was glad that she had this chance to do. She still wanted to stay in Silver Springs as it was a beautiful town. She fell in love with the gardens and the fact there was some much green space. She could get lost in the flowers and all the other smells that made up the town. Jamie walked back in with the doctor following behind him.

"Daen, I am happy to release you from the hospital. The only issue is that you need someone to help you out for the next week until some of the bruising has healed and you are able to do some heavy lifting and other things that will be hard to do." Dr Stephens said smiling.

"Doc, the only problem is that I am here on my own and have no-one close to me that could help me out," Daen said with a concerned look on her face.

"I can help out with a room. It means you don't have to stay in the hospital and you will have the freedom to move around town. Which you won't in the hospital. The room has it's own lock on the door, so if you are feeling uncomfortable. You can lock the door, there is a beautiful courtyard out the back where you can relax." Jamie said to her and the Doc, he was hoping that Daen would accept his offer.

The Doctor agreed with Jamie that it would a better solution for her. Then having to stay in hospital and will be much cheaper. Daen was still not sure if this was the right thing to do and would need to think about it. She agreed it would be cheaper and the fact that her health insurance had been stopped due to her losing her job. She could afford a room at a hotel or a Bed and Breakfast place.

She had an unknown factor in her attacker and not knowing who they were. She needed to be somewhere safe and someone around her most of the time. She didn't know what Jamie did for a job or who he was. Other than there was a mating link to consider. She wished Stephen was here, he could help her out. He had done so in the past when she lost her keys and needed to change all of her locks. She wasn't happy with that happening, but he was there.

She took a sharp intake of breath when it hit her. She had feelings for Stephen, she couldn't believe it taken her this long to realise that she was in love with Stephen. Holy smokes. That was now two men. How many men would she end up with at the end of this mate spell? She didn't mind but wish it would have happened sooner than later.

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