Chapter Four

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Chapter 4


Stephen was working with his students to get the solution to the problem that he put up on the whiteboard, he felt this sudden pull, he couldn't understand what was happening until one of his supernatural students mentioned to him the orange thread that was coming out of him, he looked down and can't believe what was happening, He had a mate but who and where were they. Then he felt the pain, the uncertain and the lost feeling of his mate. He couldn't believe what was happening, He needed to leave as soon as possible to find her and make sure she was okay.

After all his lessons had finished for the day, he phoned his friend back in Silver Springs to find out if there was any chance that he could stay with him, while he searched for his mate. He dialled Jamie's number.

"Jamie, it's Stephen, how are you going? listen I know this is a bit of short notice but is there any chance of me staying with for a couple of days, I have just found my mate and I know she is close but I am not how close she is" Stephen said to his army buddy.

"Sorry Buddy, but I have already had someone staying with me, a woman who was attacked and landed on my doorstep three days ago and you are not going to believe this but Julian had his hand in this as well, so I know there are at least a couple of other guys out there for her," Jamie said to Stephen, hoping he would understand.

"Do you mind if I ask what the woman's name is, I had a friend travelling from New York to San Francisco and I told her to stop into silver springs if she had the time?" Stephen said hoping against all hope that it was Daen with him.

"Oh, her name is Daen, you don't think that she is connected to both of us?" Jamie sounding hopeful.

"That's her, oh my god, I am so glad she is there, especially if what I am feeling has anything to with what is happening there" Stephen sounded excited. He was so glad that Daen had found his old army buddy, that was so lucky for all of them.

"Daen was attacked three days ago, so that might be what you are feeling, I have a friend who might be able to give you access to his flat for a couple of weeks, I will ring him and check with him" Jamie sounding happy.

"I will have to organise some leave, once that is approved, I will be on my way to Silver Springs, hopefully, it will get applied tomorrow, I will ring you when I know what is happening and any details I have in relation to my trip, talk to you soon," Stephen said hanging the phone up.

He couldn't believe that Jamie had Daen, what the hell was Julian thinking giving her, one of his spelled Pumpkin Spice Lattes, he was going to kill him when he got his hands on him, He could have put Daen in so much danger, he knew that she had magic, it was that magic that pulled him towards her. She helped him so much and he wanted to keep her safe. He needed to make another phone call because Jamie and him might need help from the pack, especially if what he was feeling was correct. They would need all the help that they can get.

Jamie went into his office and went searching for Padraig phone number, he hoped that his buddy was still in town and not out of town like he is normally with his work in the military, he found the number he needed. Ringing the number and praying for an answer to the phone.

Somewhere in the Middle East

"What the hell, who is ringing this late?" Padraig said in the phone, almost yelling.

"Paddy, It's Jamie, it's only five in the afternoon, what the hell time is it there?" Jamie said without laughing, this was going to be a fun phone call.

"Jam, it's 2 am here, what has happened? for you to be ringing me at this time, there had to be an issue," Paddy said

"There sure is and it is huge. Julian has been at it again. I have a young woman by the name of Daen, staying with me after being attacked and it works out that she is my mate and I also have the feeling, that she is also Stephens and possibly yours and Diarmad as well. don't ask me how I know this but it is a feeling I am getting" Jamie said.

"I am going to kill Julian when I get home, the day after tomorrow, what the hell was he thinking. So that means if you and Stephen have been affected, it is more than likely, I have been affected as well" Paddy said shaking his head.

"I am afraid so, are you able to see any orange thread coming from you? also have you had any feelings that there was something wrong?" Jamie asked

"Yes, it happened while I was out on patrol yesterday when they hit, I didn't know what was happening, lucky we had no issues while we were patrolling, that would have been dangerous for me and my crew. I can also see an orange thread. I suspect Diarmad is also has been affected, I will organise for both us to get back stateside as this is too important not to deal with straightway, see you in forty-eight hours' time" Paddy said, shaking his head.

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