Chapter Two

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Driving between cities when she comes across a cute little town called Silver Springs, she needs to get some coffee into her, after her long drive from her hometown Flowerville. She decided to pull over and then walk around the town to see what would be open. She comes across a small coffee shop called Jewel's café.

"Hi, I am wondering about the special on the board outside and what it had in it?" Daen asked with a quizzed look.

"It is a latte with a special blend of pumpkin spice. It is one of our popular drinks and I have been told for some people, it can create romantic benefits.

"Could I please have one with a chocolate muffin, please?" Daen asked with a smile. Julian walked away and prepared her drink adding something special to it and a double choc muffin.

Julian didn't know that she wasn't magical like they were, but she still did have some magic, that had been passed on from her great grandmother. But no-one in the family knew about it. That is how she got the mate spelled coffee.

She decides to take it with her because she was travelling and wanted to get back on the road before it got too dark. She leaves the café and takes a sip of her latte, when she gets this warm feeling come over her, thinking it's from her drink.

She starts to notice weird things happening. A man changing into a unicorn, when he sneezes and then there is the young woman in the shoe store, that has wings like she is an angel or something. Shaking her head thinking it was all the driving she had done for the last couple of days catching up to her.

She jumps into her car and starts to drive when she notices a light in front of her, not knowing what it is, she continues on her way, not paying any notice to it. She gets a couple of towns away from Silver Springs stops for fuel as she is running low, she walks into the petrol station to pay for it. When a young guy in his 20s comes up to her and tries to hit on her, she tells him that she is not interested. She doesn't know him at all. She leaves the petrol station and continues her journey.

She starts to get this feeling that someone was watching her. A couple of miles up the road she sees the sign for Silver Springs, taking the turn, heading back into town. Hoping someone at the cafe could explain what was in the drink. She returns to the café and finds it was closed for the evening, wanting to cry over what was happening. But she knew that she couldn't and had to find a hotel or something for the night.

Not being able to find accommodation for the night, she finds the nearest park that has good lighting. She can be safe coming and going from her car. Deciding to go for a walk around the town to see if she can find anything opened.

She found the small restaurant, reading the menu that was placed on the door, she was happy to see some of her favourites there and that they had a takeaway menu as well. She decided on she could eat back at the car.

On her way to the car, she could feel that someone was following her. She decided to take a different route to the car as there were two ways back. She got halfway to her car when someone attacked her. Fighting the man. The person took off running leaving her badly injured, she was in much pain from what they did to her, she saw the orange light in front and decided to follow it as it was bight, which was good, she didn't know who to trust, it might be the thing to save her.

She passes a couple of the houses. When the orange light directs her to a house on the opposite of the street. She walks up the steps but that is all she can do before sliding down the wall beside the front door.

The pain got too much that she had to laid her head down on her knees, she must have either fallen asleep or blacked out. She feels someone pick her up, she knows that people are talking, but she is too weak to understand them.

Jamie felt a pull that had been coming and going for the last couple of days, he knew it was the mating bond, tonight was the first time that he had felt it that strong, something wasn't right. He needed to get out of the house and clear his head. He opened his front and found her off to the side. She had been badly beaten, he could see a number of bruises and a couple of cuts. He pulled out his phone to call an ambulance because he wasn't going to take any chances with the cuts she had, they looked like they needed stitches.

He hears the sirens, stops he was glad to see them. Seeing a man climbing out of the ambulance, introducing himself as Max. Explaining t what had happened to the paramedic. Max saw the woman by the door, seeing the mating link between the two of them. He had to be careful handling the woman. He could set Jamie off, and he didn't need that to happen.

Max heard a male voice coming from the street, turning to see the man walking towards them who was claiming that he was her boyfriend, Max heard a growl, turning to him and giving a silent warning. The man looked at both Max and Jamie asking what was happening. Jamie told him that he had found her by his front door this way, and they were helping her out. His instincts were telling that something major wasn't right and that he had to protect her.

Max and his partner loaded the woman into the ambulance, transporting her to the medical centre. Where she would be examined. Due to her injuries. They may need to move her to another hospital who had the specialised services. Jamie spoke to Max letting him know that he was going to head up as well as something wasn't right about the guy and it felt off.

She started to gain consciousness, asking where she was, Max told that she was in the back of an ambulance as she had been found injured by the front door of a man's home. Max asked what her name was, and she said that it was Daen. Max told her that her boyfriend had shown up. Daen, what boyfriend? Max asked what she meant by that.

She told him that she did not have one for a long time. She could see the concerned look on the paramedics face. He tells her that the gentleman, who found her was going to the hospital as well and it might be a good idea to have a chat with him. He was a sheriff from another town visiting friends and be able to help her out.

Dane thanks Max for his help with the other man. The ambulance arrived at the hospital. Jamie was waiting there with the local police personal. They were chatting when Max opened the back doors. The guy who told them that he was her boyfriend was waiting but none of them could see him as he had hidden from view.

The doctor examined Daen, feeling that there is something going on with her because he can detect dark energy on her. He is not sure where it is coming from. He needs to run tests on her. This will provide a better picture of what is happening within her system. He sends her for some x-rays as he suspects she might have broken bones along with a concussion. The doctor wasn't sure how to explain what was happening to her without her discovery who and what he and the others were in the room. Daen felt uncomfortable because she knew people were keeping secrets from her. Jamie walked over to her to see how she was.

'Hi, I am Jamie, I was the one who found you, I am not sure if the paramedic explained who I was or not?' He said with a smile.

"I am Daen, I don't know who attacked me as happened from behind, but it felt weird like the person was doing this on purpose. I had some strange stuff happen since I drank a cup of coffee, a couple of hours ago" she said trying to shake the uneasy feeling she had.

"In what sort of weird stuff? are you sure it not the concussion talking?" Jamie said feeling a worry with this outcome.

"I have seen a guy change from a man to a unicorn, this weird orange light that leads me to your home and this stalker guy. I am not sure what is happening but it feels magical to me. My great grandmother had some powers, but we are not sure what they were and how they affect us and most of it died out" Daen said.

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