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-3rd pov-

Everyone got to the gym and saw Coach Ukai with a mad look on his face. Daichi asked, "Is there something wrong Coach?"
"Yes, yes there is. Hinata. Kageyama. Why did you two fight last night." Ukai asked sternly. Everyone turned to look at the two with confusion in there eyes.
"Because boke got mad at me for saying something and I still don't know why, all I said was that he probably had the best childhood." Kageyama said cutting Hinata off. Ukai sighs then says, "He obviously didn't if he got mad at you for saying that."
"He's probably just being overdramatic." Kageyama says rolling his eyes.
"...It's come to my attention that you guys don't know enough about each other..I'll be contacting your past teachers and people to send us some information about your past. And yes I mean everyone." Ukai said with a sigh. Everyones eyes go wide as the just nod in a response.

-Timeskip 2 days later-

"Everyone gather around!" Kiyoko yelled into the gym.(This is afternoon practice btw)

Everyone gathered around and Ukai started speaking.
"Alright everyone I've gotten replies from almost all the people from your past that I could contact,  so who wants to go first?" Ukai asks.
"...I'll go first." Daichi starts, "I should as captain." Daichi says. Ukai nods as he hooks up his laptop to the screen protector. He goes to a folder named, 'About Dachi Sawamura' (Sorry I spelt that work I'm kinda stupid soo)

Ukai opens the folder then clicks on a video tilted, '1' and the video starts playing.

-What the video shows-

"Hello, I am Mrs.Kurosawa and I was Daichis first grade teacher. Daichi was a great student, though his parents were always at work or overseas so his older brother took care of him. His older brother was also an amazing student but his grades were slowly getting worse. I found out that his brother, got into a lot of fights,and had anger problems, though that didn't stop him from taking care of Daichi. I actually kept in contact with Daichis brother to know how their both doing, but that ended when Daichis brother was sent to the hospital. I don't know for sure but I heard that he went to the hospital because he lost the ability to feel and smell. This happened when Daichi was in a different grade so I don't know how he reacted but that's almost all I know. I hope Daichi and his brother are doing good! I'll visit your volleyball games!"

Then the video ends. Everyone turn to look at Daichi besides Hinata.

445 words

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