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A day after TaeJin meeting.

In the morning:
In Jin's house:

Jin got awake by loud banging in his house. He removed blankets from himself, he was still in sleepland. When he again heard knocking in his front door,which is pretty too loud. When he looked at clock, he realized that it's just 6am. "Who is it at this time?!" He thought.

He went to bathroom and splash some water in his face to remove the sleepiness a little bit. Till now the banging in his door is so loud,that it can really make a hole in the door if it continues.

"IF YOU WANT TO MAKE A HOLE IN THE DOOR AND THEN COME FROM IT THEN GO AHEAD. GO ON!!! I AM NOT GOING TO OPEN IT NOW ANYWAY!!". He yell from the bathroom to whoever is it in other side of the door.
Jin's house only has a single bedroom with attached bathroom,a living room and a kitchen attached to it. Just a simple flat, he lives in society. It costs less money.

It seems like after hearing his yelling the other person finally got a peace of mind as the banging finally stopped. So, Jin went to the door to see who actually that criminal was.

When Jin opened the door he got greeted by a bouquet of red roses. He loves flowers mainly red roses, so these roses made his mind calm a little bit. But he realized that bouquet can't fly so obviously someone is holding it. It's not first time something like this is going to happen to him. He always get so many admirers but ofcourse not in 6 in the morning and usually they just bring a rose for him not the whole bouquet. But it doesn't matter they are going to get rejected anyway.

Same thing is going to happen with this man too. Jin thought. Poor boy, wasted his sleep and money.

But when that boy removed the bouquet from front of his face. Jin was not confident anymore.

"Hey!! Good morning." The visitor said cheerfully with his big boxy smile.

Jin suddenly remembers what he did that day and he felt ashamed. So, he did what usually people do, deny that he know him.

"Who are you?!" Jin asked clearly showing that he is totally confused.

The visitor pouted at him and said "Oh come on Jin!! I know I am not that handsome but I think that I am enough handsome that no one will forget me just in one day."

Jin wanted to rolled his eyes at pure shameless confidence but he can't let the other person know that he knows him.

"I am Sorry, but i-" Jin was saying something but got interrupted when that visitor who really was Kim Taehyung entered in his house shoving Jin from front of him.

Jin was looking at him wide eyes and mouth open and on the other side Taehyung was looking at the whole house in fascination.

"KIM TAEHYUNG!!" Jin screamed in top of his lungs, what does Taehyung think of himself entering in his house without his permission.

But Tae just looked at him smirking and said "You just said that you don't know me." This makes Jin red from embarrassment.

But then he thought he can do that, it's his house unannounced guest are not welcomed.

"Even if I know you,just go." Jin said to him in stern voice.

Taehyung again pouted at him and said "Is this your hospitality?!"

Jin resist the effect of that pout and scoffed "Well, right now I should have been sleeping but you just disturbed my sleepiness. So maybe I am awake but my hospitality is sleeping,now go."

Taehyung shook his head and sat on the sofa grinning when he look that Jin is getting annoyed.

"You should treat me better you know. I did you a favour after all." Taehyung said wiggling his brows.

EVEN IF HE DIES IT'S GONNA BE HIM [TaeJin]✓Where stories live. Discover now