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The chapter is long but bear with me, I have to complete it in 6.

After 1 year since they move in together:

"Tae,why you have to go?!" Jin whines hundredth time since morning.

"Jinnie, it's important. Plz understand." Tae sighed and said to Jin softly.

Tae has taken the break of 15 months from work but it's only 1 year now and something important came up that's why Tae has to go Daegu for work. Jin is not happy about this. He doesn't want Tae to go anywhere,he is just not feeling good about this.

"Tae, I know it's your work. But plz don't go.Just plz don't,stay here with me." Tae got surprised when he looked at Jin and found his lips quivering and eyes filled with tears like Jin is trying so hard not to cry.

"Baby." Tae hurriedly approached Jin and hugged him.

"Jinnie baby, it's ok. I am not going for forever it's just for today. I will be here near you at 9pm sharp. I promise." Tae said to Jin stroking his hair in attempt to soothe him.

Jin looked at him still with tears in his eyes and looked at him innocently and asked "But what if you don't?!"

Tae shook his head at his boyfriend antics. "Why will I not come to you?! Where I will be if I will not be with you,hmm?!" he said to Jin.

Jin just looked at him and softly kissed him and said "Just stay plz."

"Jinnie, don't tempt me." Taehyung warned him weakly already breathless by just a soft kiss.

Jin smirked at him and wrapped his arms around Taehyung's neck and sexily said "Think about it if you will stay what we can do,we can make love anywhere you want, we can watch movies while cuddling. Don't you think that's more good than any work."

Taehyung gulped,the temptation is too much but he can't. So,he removed Jin's hand from his neck and made both of their foreheads touch then looked at Jin and said "let's eat breakfast huh, I have to go." then he kissed jin's forehead and stood up and went to the kitchen.

Jin can't stop himself from crying. He doesn't know why he is feeling so different now a days. He feels needy for Tae's attention. He is sensitive now a days so much about everything maybe bcoz he is feeling a little bit weird now a days.

Jin also went to kitchen and looked at Tae pouting and with puppy eyes so that Tae don't go but Tae just shook his head and motioned him to eat. But he again act needy and told Tae to feed him. Tae shook his head in disbelief but then feed him anyway smiling at him.

He raised his brows when he saw that Jin is again crying, tears are streaming from his eyes slowly, this sight really broke Tae's heart.

He made Jin sit on his lap and again asked him "What's wrong?! Why are you behaving like this, is there something you want to tell me about?!"

Jin shook his head and sniffling asked Tae "What if I missed you?! What if I felt all alone in this home?!"

Tae smiled sadly at Jin and said "Jin it's just a day, not even a day just few hours. Plz don't cry, I will be in front of you before you will even miss me,I promise." till now both were sobbing mess. Jin was crying bcoz he doesn't want Tae to go, Tae was crying looking at Jin.

Jin wanted to argue but it's of no use,so he just nodded his head.

Now Tae and Jin both are outside their house. Jin came to see tae going, Tae was going to sit in his car when Jin suddenly pulled him towards him and kissed him showing all his need and anxiety. Their tongues instantly met each other and Jin also bite Tae on his lips drawing blood from Tae's lips then he nibble on it to soothe the pain. Finally after 5 minutes of non stop kissing they pulled back.

EVEN IF HE DIES IT'S GONNA BE HIM [TaeJin]✓Where stories live. Discover now