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The song in the above video "Mystery of love" really motivates me in writing this story. I don't know why but that song reminds me of TaeJin.

This is just like a filler chapter nothing special, just to know what happened with them in the next 20 years of their life.

Yeah! So much time skip.

In next 20 years:

Jin was busy in his restaurant work. His restaurant became so popular and he was so happy after seeing his progress. His whole day routine was same. To wake up, work, take care of Taehee, that's it.

He also made up a routine to visit Taehyung's grave every evening with purple lilacs flower ( indicating first love), red tulip ( indicating undying love, passion and perfect love) , white tulip ( indicating remembrance, worthiness and sincerity) and red roses ( bcoz it was their flower, it represents them). Each evening he go to his grave and then tell him about his whole day trusting that Taehyung is really there.

Hoseok tried to convince Jin to marry jungkook after that day but Jin was serious before too and this time Jin was more confident about it that he is not going to marry him. Hoseok saw that Jin is adamant about it and he also saw a dreamy and lovesick look in Jin's eyes when Jin told him that he loves Taehyung and he is going to always love him and will patiently wait for Taehyung to come and took Jin with him. He saw that look before in that icecream shop too years ago, when now he saw that look he was convinced that nothing can change Jin's mind,so he let him be like he want to and just help Jin as his friend.

Hoseok and Yoongi both are happily married and they had two kids of their own. One is a boy Soobin who is 23 years old and other is a girl Jennie who is 18 years old now.

Taehee was a smart student in her school life. When she get old enough that she can think about her future she decided to be a singer. She is always fascinated towards singing.

Jin let her go to the singer's training, he fully supported her. And now Taehee is the well known singer of her generation.

Jungkook after his confession to Jin was with them for one year but in that one year for others maybe he can be ok but in his heart and mind he was hurting. Bcoz he truly loved Jin and to be with Jin as same after confessing his love was hard for him.

So, after one year he accepted a project in New York which is about for 2 years. Taehee was so sad when jungkook told them that he is leaving for 2 years but Jin understands that why jungkook is doing this. Even though he felt really bad and horrible thinking that he is the reason of his friend sadness he let jungkook go in the hope that maybe after two years when jungkook will come back he will be happy and in a better place.

And that happens. In New York jungkook met jimin. For jimin it was love at first sight with jungkook but for Jungkook, jimin was only a partner for the project. But as they spent time together for project jungkook also get impressed by Jimin's kind nature.

Jimin was so kind and he always helped everyone in need. Jungkook likes that.

When Jimin proposed jungkook first jungkook said no bcoz he thought he was still in love with Jin but after that when Jimin didn't talked to him and he saw that jimin is sad he felt like his heart is breaking. He decided to gave jimin a chance but just after 1 month of their trial relationship jungkook admitted that he loves jimin so much. And that he didn't gave Jimin chance just bcoz he felt bad but bcoz he felt like he is losing something.

Before coming back to Seoul after 2 years when jungkook told Jin that he is bringing jimin who is his boyfriend,Jin was so happy. That finally jungkook is happy and now Jin doesn't have to feel guilty or horrible.

EVEN IF HE DIES IT'S GONNA BE HIM [TaeJin]✓Where stories live. Discover now