Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

10:29 AM August 29th, 2016

Underground Missile Silo / PNSP Headquarters, Poland, Earth

        The old assembly floor had been converted into a full scale military base. Tanks lined the edges while the barracks were just inside of the tanks. Adrian watched the base from the command tower.

        “When did the first Relife rocket launch?” - Adrian

        “At 10:00 this morning sir” - PNSP Control Room Operator

        Adrian acknowledged this and left the control room to head back to his quarters. Across the base, a pilot serviced his Harrier jet. He stepped back. A large red streak was painted right under the cockpit glass. He took the paint bucket and threw it in the nearest disposal bin. He wiped his hands on the back of a passing pilot in the hallway unnoticed. 

        On the floor the 500 men of the PNSP Earth Forces ate, slept and trained. The barracks were the set up on the perimeter, inside of the barracks came the training stations and utilities, and on the inside was the command center. 

        The pilot stood against the rail overlooking the base from the elevated hanger designed specifcally for the vertical launch of the Harrier jets. He reached inside his flight suit and pulled out his dogtags. His fingers flipped it over to the side he wanted to see. The only part that was visible was the writing that read "Czech Republic", his name was covered by his finger. 

        "Hey!" - Other PNSP Harrier Pilot

        The pilot on the rail quickly stuffed his dogtags back into flight suit.

        "You know how this red paint got on the back of my suit?! - Other PNSP Harrier Pilot

        The first pilot shrugged. The other pilot left. A small smile appreared on the face of The Red-Striped Ace.

        Below him a Leopard tank crew sat on their tank. The 4 men were sprawled across the top discussing the fate of their 500 men division.

        Fredrick Sanlinger sat on the barrel of the Leopard's gun.

        "Where do you think we will be deployed? if we ever are deployed.." - Private Sanlinger

        Yeban Korchowski laid back against the turret.

        "Well defintely not on Earth if the whole point of this division is to explore space and shit" - Private Korchowski.

        Skott Charlo was in front of the tank doing push-ups.

        "Where would that be? The Moon? The Americans have already gotten there" - Private Charlo

        Porlat Uchen sat on the edge of tank hanging his legs over the edge.

        "Well smart ass what does that leave, after the American ship lands on Mars we probably will be deployed to protect the colony" - Private Uchen

        "On what? Do the tanks fly too?" - Private Carlo

        "Knowing Commander Adrian he's probably building another rocket right now" - Private Sanlinger

        "Or the first one will come back" - Private Charlo

        "Ya because a ship like that can land on Mars, and then take off again and fly back. Maybe if you didn't spend all your time doing pushups you wouldn't be so dumb" - Private Uchen

       "Well where ever it is it will be better than sitting in this metal hole doing the same damn thing everyday" - Private Korchowski

        "The food here is shit" - Private Sanlinger

        "Complaining isn't going to make it better let's just hope something will go wrong so we can get out of this hole" - Private Charlo

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