Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

6:23 August 30th, 2016

The Moon

        "How close are we" - Kakar

        "10 minutes before the gravity begins to pull us in." - Raj

        "Should I wake the sleeping giant" -Kakar

        "Nah the landing should wake him up just fine" - Raj

        Kakar laughed and went back to securing all the lose objects inside the shuttle for the landing. Raj strapped himself into the pilot seat. Kakar floated back into the cockpit.

        "That should be everything" - Kakar

        "Check again we don't want anything flying in here" - Raj

        "Fine, your rule following gets pretty annoying sometimes" - Kakar

        "It's regulation" - Raj       

        "Regulation for what? Manned Moon landings? Because there's been so many of those" - Kakar

        "Just go do it" - Raj

        Kakar mumbled a couple curse words and went back into the rest of the ship to check.

        "Like I said, there's nothing loose- oh shit nevermind" - Kakar

        "So it is a good thing I told you to check?" - Raj

        "You know what?... Shut up" - Kakar

        "Get your ass back up here I might've miscalculated the 10 minute thing" - Raj

        The ship began to shake as Kakar got into his seat. Raj began to check the old Russian dials. The ship stared to shake even more. Red lights flashed around the cabin. Raj was in the pilots seat. He battled the out of control ship working with the buttons and dials that made up the control panel. The Russian words were painted over with their translations in Hindu so he could understand the flashing lights.

        The ship got closer to the surface. The shaking got worse. Raj completely lost control of the ship. It began to spiral. Raj countinued fight the inevitable. His muscled ached as the ship didn't stop spinning towards the surface. The ship came closer to the lunar surface. Kakar closed his eyes.

        A large explosion shook the ground. The oxygen burned in an instant. All 3 men were dead inside their suits. A gaping hole was in the side of the ship while the cockpit was buried in a hill. 

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