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Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
New Friends

"We don't meet people by accident. They are meant to cross our path for a reason."

King's Cross Train Station

Up on a crossing bridge, was Harry, with his cart and owl, and Liv, with her cart and kitten, who were walking beside Hagrid.

As they walked, people stared, which didn't really bother the twins, but it made Hagrid snap. "What're you looking at?" he asked some couple staring at them, and they quickly looked away.

Then Hagrid looked down at his watch. "Blimey, is that the time? Sorry, guys, I'm gonna have to leave you. Dumbledore'll be wanting his...well, he'll be wanting to see me. Now, uh, your train leaves in 10 minutes. Here's your tickets," he said before he handed them two golden tickets. "Stick to it, that's very important. Stick to your ticket."

Liv looked at the tickets which stated Platform 9 ¾. "Platform 9 ¾? But Hagrid, there must be a mistake. This says Platform 9 ¾. There's no such thing-" Liv started to say, but when she looked up at Hagrid, he was gone. "Great."

"Come on," Harry said before they started to push their carts.

They walked down a lane between trains when they saw a train master. "Let's ask him," Harry said before they walked up to him. "Excuse me, excuse me," Harry said and the Trainmaster looked down at the lost children. "Sir, can you tell me where we might find Platform 9 ¾?"

"9 ¾? Think you're being funny, don't ya?" the trainmaster asked before he left. The Twins watched him go, as Harry was confused and Liv was irritated.

"What a oik." Liv said, then they saw a woman, daughter, and four boys walk by, as they pushed carts similar to their own.

"Its the same year after year. Always packed with Muggles, of course," the woman said to her children.

"Muggles?" Liv asked, before she looked at Harry.

"They must be going to Hogwarts too, let's follow them," Harry said, then the two began to push their carts towards the red-haired family.

"Come on. Platform 9 ¾ this way!" the woman exclaimed then they stopped when they got to the platform. "All right, Percy, you first."

Then a tall boy with red hair came forward and ran towards a brick wall.

Instead of crashing, he disappeared right into it, leaving Harry & Liv amazed.

Then the woman looked at her red-haired twins sons. "Fred, you next," the woman said.

"He's not Fred, I am!" one of the twins said.

"Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother!" the other twin said.

"Oh, I'm sorry, George," the woman said.

"I'm only joking. I am Fred," the first twin, Fred, said before he ran through the wall, and was followed by his twin brother, George, as Harry & Liv shook their heads in disbelief, then they ran towards the group, with their carts.

"Excuse me!" Harry exclaimed, which caused the rest of the family to look back at the twins. "Could you- Could you tell us how?"

"How to get on the platform? Yes, not to worry, dears. It's Ron's first time to Hogwarts as well," the woman said before they looked at the red-haired boy around their age and smiled at them.

"Now all you've got to do is walk straight at the wall between platforms 9 and 10. Best do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous," the woman explained as Harry & Liv nervously stared at the brick wall.

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