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Great Hall

All the students were seated, and the banners around the ceiling were green with snakes on them. Slytherin had won the house cup.

Dumbledore, at the head table, nodded to McGonagall, who then dinged her glass and the chatter stopped. Everyone looked at the front of the hall, where Dumbledore had risen. "Another year gone. And now, as I understand it, the house cup needs awarding, and the points stand thus. In Fourth place, Gryffindor with 312 points," Dumbledore said and the great hall was filled with clapping as Harry, Ron, Hermione & Liv slowly clapped. "Third place, Hufflepuff, with 352 points." The slow clapping from the four continued. "In Second place, Ravenclaw, with 436 points. And in First place, with 472 points, Slytherin House." The whole Slytherin table cheered loudly except Liv, who was just acting like she was happy.

"We did it, Liv!" Draco exclaimed, playfully pushing her.

"Yes. We did," Liv said, in a dull tone.

"Yes, Yes, well done Slytherin, well done Slytherin. However," Dumbledore said, and Harry, Ron, Liv & Hermione looked at their headmaster with eyes lit up. "Recent events must be taken into account. And I have a few last-minute points to award. To Miss Hermione Granger, for the use of cool intellect when others were in great peril, 50 points." The hall was filled with applause, including from Liv. "Second, to Miss Olivia Potter." Everyone in Slytherin looked at Liv, who was nervously smiling. "For always trying to protect your brother and friends, even if it meant you were in great peril. 50 points." The Slytherin table was filled with excitement as Liv smiled deeply. "Third, to Mr. Ronald Weasley, for the best-played game of chess that Hogwarts has seen these many years...50 points. And third to Mr. Harry Potter, for pure nerve and outstanding courage, I award Gryffindor house 60 points." The hall was filled with immense cheering, including some from Liv.

Then Hermione looked at Harry & Ron. "We're almost beating Slytherin!" Hermione exclaimed before she looked back at Liv, who was smiling big at her friend.

"And finally, it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends. I award 60 points to Neville Longbottom," Dumbledore said and immense cheering erupted as Draco and most of Slytherin were downfallen. But not Liv, no. Not Roni either. They were cheering for their friends. "Assuming that my calculations are correct, I believe that a change of direction is in order." Then the green banners changed to Gryffindor red and yellow. "Gryffindor wins the House Cup!"

Outdoor Train Station

Draco, Liv & Roni were walking together but suddenly stopped. "I'll see you next year," Roni said before she hugged Liv. "I'll send an owl." Roni then got on the train, leaving just Liv & Draco.

"Draco," Liv said sternly.

"Olivia," Draco said sternly, but then the two burst into smiles.

"Will you write?" Liv asked.

"Definitely not," Draco said and Liv grinned bigger.

"Right," she said sarcastically.

"I'm telling you, I will not be writing to you. I swear it on Merlin," Draco said and Liv gave him a look.

"Now, it's a bit rude to swear on Merlin and not mean it," Liv said, which caused Draco to laugh a little before he got on the train. He looked back at her with a smile.

"I'll send an owl," he said before he entered the train and Liv smirked. Right, once again.

Liv saw Harry hand Hedwig to a trainman and caught up with him, and Hermione. She waved at Hagrid, who waved back before she got on the train. "Come on, Harry & Liv," Hermione said, as Harry & Liv were staring at Hagrid.

"Hang on," Liv said before she and Liv walked over to Hagrid.

"Thought you two were leaving without saying good-bye, didja?" Hagrid asked before he took a red album out of his coat pocket and handed it to the Twins. "This is for you."

Harry opened the album, with Liv looking over his shoulder, and they both saw a picture, moving of them as babies with their parents. They were all smiling and waving as Harry & Liv smiled. "Thank you, Hagrid," Liv said, before she hugged him tightly, along with Harry.

"Oh. Go on...on with you two," Hagrid said before they let him go. "Oh, listen, Harry & Liv, if that dolt of a cousin of yours, Dudley, gives you any grief, you could always, um, threaten him with a nice pair of ears to go with that tail of his."

"But Hagrid, we're not allowed to do magic away from Hogwarts. You know that," Harry said.

"I do. But your cousin don't, do he? Eh?" Hagrid said before they chuckled. "Off you go."

Harry & Liv walked away and back to the train door where Hermione & Ron were waiting. "Feels strange to be going home, doesn't it?" Hermione asked.

"We're not going home. Not really," Harry said before he and Liv smiled at each other. The train whistled and they climbed aboard.

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