(・'з'・)2 Punches(・'з'・)

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Heya fellow crack hoomans!!!💕💕💕

I've decided to not add her. But she will probably pop up somewhere to remind you of your favorite protagonist:D She isn't for me- but let's move on! ( ̄へ ̄)

Enjoy this abomination! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ


"What the... "

He looks up at the sofa to see the female in his previous position.

Her face is filled with pure bliss. Like, she finally realized what it means to be alive.

That is kind of exaggerated. But is it....?

The redhead growled under his breath. Clenching his fists as he glared at the content female on top of his couch.

"What are doing to ore-sama's couch!?"

The girl opened her eye. Glanced at the furious male.

She blinked, once, twice. And then he ignored him.

The male snapped.

"Why you-!"

He suddenly climbed up on the couch, straddling the female. They changed their position.

Ayato showed her his sharp fangs, trying to intimidate the blissful female still laying on the soft couch.

But she isn't affected, in fact, she just ignored the vampire altogether.

A vein popped in his forehead. Gritting his teeth, he hold the female's neck harshly -in which the girl didn't even flinch- and neared his fangs on the side of her neck. He licked his lips and opened his mouth. Ready to suck her dry.

"Ayato. What do you think are you doing?"

However, he got cut off by the owner of the voice. Simultaneously direct their attention to the new figure. Y/n blinked and tilted her head(at least, as much as she can while lying down and being straddled by a vampire on his period.) and saw a butler that looks more elegant than the person straddling her in which she assume is the owner of the mansion.

Na ol-

Ayato growled at the butler. And looked away while standing up from the couch. "Tsk. Reiji..."

"Reiji's" eyes sharpened and glared with the same intensity as the look of Ayato's, imaginary lightning suddenly erupted at the background making everything more dramatic.

"This." -he mentioned the place that they are currently standing- "Is an entrance hall, a place for greeting. And not for releasing your strange sexual frustrations."

Y/n can literally hear the insults running through the brain of the butler.

While the two are bickering like kids. The nonchalant girl stand up and admired the mansion that she will live in from now on. Even if the people here so far are quite... Weird, and the disappointment of not meeting any giants today. This is still a very, very big mansion. She can finally taste exquisite dishes that are also high-class and probably very delicious, and not force herself not to eat her last packs of ramen to have something to eat for tomorrow anymore. And you know what's better than any of those? All of them are free. Well, the weird father dude says so at least. It's a win-win situation.

"-Whatever I'm done."

Oh. She forgot that there are someone living with her.

The female turned around and stared at the annoyed face of the butler and the in-the-process-of-leaving Ayato.

She approached the purple-haired glasses... Dude.

She held out her hand for Reiji to shake, but the only thing she got in return is a judgmental face that the spectacles male is making.

He raised his eyebrows. "And you are?"

Oh.. He didn't.... Wanted.. To.. Shake my.. Ok-

She awkwardly put down his hand.

She cleared her throat. "My name is Y/n, someone sent me to live here. Free." She really emphasizes the 'free' part.

Reiji frowns "I heard nothing of this, Ayato what is going on?"

The redhead turned around to abandon his plan of leaving the area(oh wait he never really left-) and just yelled.

"The should I know!? You never mentioned anything like that you degenerate!"

"... You never asked."

A simple sentence. A simple 4 syllables sentence. Are enough to make......

______________________)-_  -)______________

This vampire in his period pout.

He turned his attention away from the female and pouted to the side.

She stared at him indifferently. What is wrong with him?

And then she realized something.

"Wait... Degenerate? Is that supposed to be me???"

The vampire grinned and laughed.

"Ha! Of course it's you, dumbass! You are strange as fuck!" Andddd- he continued to laugh.

And is Y/n affected by all of this? No, not really. She is busy... Ummm... Imagining.. Different stuff.... I'll let you decide.

She pointed at Ayato. "Dude, you should work on your insulting skills."

He snapped out of it and turned to her that she could have sworn he got whiplash by it.

"Huh!? The fuck did you say-"

He got cut off by "Reiji" with his hands cupping his chin, seemingly thinking. "This is so strange, I wasn't informed by this at all, we shouldn't speak here, come this way. Take her luggage."

Suddenly, a random man comes out of nowhere, grabbed Y/n's luggage, and disappears once again.

Woah... That butler is probably a magician or something. But wait. -he turned to Reiji's back making His way down...somewhere.

She walks with him, gaining her -yet again- a judgmental look.

She turned to him. "I thought you're the butler."



I seriously needed to stop writing this late. But here I am:D

Please tell me if the nicknames had gone too far, or something truly offends you. Because I really need to change the nicknames that the vampires had to Yui.

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