o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ9 Punches(o′┏▽┓`o)

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Now, Y/n wasn't really the type to be scared easily, she is very ignorant about the world around her that she completely forgets where she is most of the time. She is too carefree, too relaxed from his current situation. And also too willing to do what she wanted and desired at the moment. She is the literal definition of an idiot. All she can really about any of that is she just doesn't care. She is too bored to care, too emotionless to care. She wanted to live a life with a bunch of cheap foods that you can buy in a convenience store. A coupon can make her satisfied or even delighted, she is simple, normal, ordinary. 

But a lot of people(and creatures) that she encountered knew that THAT couldn't be further from the truth. She is the strongest person that they ever met. A girl with so much power in her hands that she can destroy the whole planet if she wishes to. And yet, she didn't, because she doesn't care. 

It is not a secret that she is strong as fuck. And yes she can be easily underestimated due to her appearance, well, some just learned that the hard way while the others are blessed by God to live another life. But what fascinates most of her opponents(and allies) is how humble she is. Of course, she knew about her power, some of them even heard her shout in frustration because she 'defeated an enemy in just one punch'  but she didn't flaunt them, she wasn't rushing, she wasn't cocky or smug or even proud. She is indifferent about it. Whoever she fights, she let them initiate the first move, she let them prepare to fight her in front of her, probably the only thing that'll tick her off is if you tell her your boo-hoo stories, but that was about it.

Some think it is refreshing, some think it is her way of being cocky, but she just doesn't care. 

And Genos admires her about that. She admires how much she is unaffected by the threat, how she manages to stay calm in any dire situation. She may be a bit naive and unaware of a lot of things. But that's his purpose, that's why he is there. He wanted to help her as best as he can. But being unaware of things doesn't mean she is weak and useless. No, she is far from it. She is strong, she is beautiful, she is kind, cool awesome, and AAAGHHH!!! he can't get enough of his master! 

He can't even count how many times she helped him in battle. He admired her will to rescue him instead of fighting. But at the same time, he is guilty of being of no use to master. How his master stands alone while he is on the sidelines with one of his robotic arms pulled off and only scraps and rusty metals are left of his worn-out body as he watches her fight alone. Although, she may not need his help after all.

But that's why he strives to be like her, to be strong and fearless. To be the person that everyone looked up to. To be a hero. And most importantly to be the one who is protecting his master.

But, how? 

How can he be like her? Well, the answer is simple. To observe her and write down his observations. Easier said than done.

Because right now, instead of training with his master, instead of cooking for her or fighting with her or just living with her. Instead of being by her side and supporting her, instead of being her sidekick, her partner, her friend beside him. He is instead is wasting his whole energy finding her. 

As much as he is very exhausted, as much as he is very desperate to just lay down and cool off, as much as he wanted to rest, to give it up and do it another time. He keeps on searching. He never gives up.

That's what she always does, right? She never gives up, she never backs down. He can't remember a time when his master wasn't kind to him. He can't remember the time when she kicks him out of her very small apartment. She can't remember the time when she failed to make him happy. The warmness that she gives him is extraordinary. She is his reminder that even if he is now a cyborg. He is still a functioning human. He is still a person, a person who makes mistakes. Because he knows that she wasn't embarrassed to admit if she made a mistake. She didn't try to cover it up. She didn't try to outrun the situation or complain. Instead, she admits that she made a mistake and fix it. 

He got reminded that even she makes mistakes. And that makes him remember his own humanity.

She helps him all the time.

He didn't know why she disappeared, he didn't know the reason why she left him. But she needed to find her. She needs him, especially when he is the only one who knew about her situation...

So, he decided to not give up(for her) he decided to keep going and try his hardest(for her) he decided to not run away(for her) he will fly through the globe to find her.

For her and only for her...


In the middle of the looming trees where Y/n is sitting down. She decided to leave the mansion for a bit when he noticed that Ayato is glaring at him, going far as to growl at her. Is he still mad when she knocks him out when he got slammed to the wall? Well, he did faint soooooo that makes sense... 

But alas, she decided to leave for a bit to help Ayato calm down. He is still one of the owners of the mansion so she didn't really want to get kicked out. Sitting by the tree, she smell a burnt toast of some kind. The type that you can write and crumble into pieces. It was not a great smell, but a familiar one for sure.

When did she smell this before? She racked her mind as she didn't notice the approaching figure towards her. 

A gasp(she can't identify the emotions behind it though) was heard that snapped her out of her stupor. A quiet whisper of her names finally made her direct her attention to the person.



To be clear, no Genos is not in love with the MC. He just appreciates her, and is also purely platonic(yet I guess). Just let me know if y'all wanted him to be a love interest. 

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