Chapter 1

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Hiding in plain sight was a skill all werewolves needed to learn at a young age. Team BAE was taking it to another level—one Becky sometimes thinks she ought to question more. At first it had been just such a relief—and a delight—to find another werewolf when she moved to the United States. Meeting one who was also a woman was an added bonus: female werewolves weren't unheard of by any means, but they were certainly less common than male ones. Discovering Sasha at NXT felt like a dream.

"Becks?" Sasha falls still between her legs, curling her hands around Becky's hips. "Still with me?"

Becky answers with a nod and a sigh, all she can manage with an orgasm on the horizon. Trying to maintain a wrestling career while keeping her werewolf nature a secret had been exhausting, not to mention dangerous at times, and Becky couldn't fathom anyone else doing it. Even she—the girl who had loved wrestling as a kid, who had kept at it even though she was awful, who had followed wrestling all over the world trying to make her dream a reality—had been forced to give it up for years. To give it up forever, she once feared, until she was told about a new developmental program WWE was starting up. But there Sasha was, and her mere presence gave Becky so much hope. If this small, stubborn werewolf woman could balance being a wrestler along with being a werewolf, then Becky could too.

"You sure?" Sasha teases, sliding her fingers deep into Becky. "Because I can stop—"

"Don't you dare." Becky reaches down and grips Sasha's hair, careful not to tug too hard. She damaged more than a few of Sasha's wigs in the early days. Even though they both gravitated to other women as best friends—Becky to Charlotte, Sasha to Bayley—they had recognized each other as wolves almost instantly. Running together came at the next full moon. Before long they were making out in the locker room, sharing hotel suites, and generally giving Hunter a heart attack every week as he tried to make sure their increasingly intimate antics weren't caught on camera.

"Seth doesn't know what he's missing," Sasha says during a pause for breath. Then her tongue is back to its teasing, making Becky's hips arch up high enough that Sasha has to gently restrain them.

This is Sasha's newest strategy: mentioning Seth when Becky is at the brink. Maybe she thinks Becky will have some sort of Pavlovian reaction, associating Seth with sex, but it just makes Becky think back to the third time they fucked. It had been just days before a full moon and Sasha mentioned two things which made Becky temporarily—and uncharacteristically—speechless: Seth Rollins, then on the main roster as part of The Shield, was also a werewolf, and Sasha was involved with him as well.

Becky had known who Seth was, of course. After a moment where insecurity, nervousness, and yes, a hefty dose of attraction had clouded her judgement, she spent almost an hour talking to him when they first met, and somehow she didn't get the slightest sense that he was anything but human. Sasha assured her it was because he didn't grow up in a family of werewolves like they both did, but it didn't make Becky feel any less foolish—or flustered. Now Seth is a friend—a close one, and a loyal packmate too—and that should make it easier to quash any feelings she might have for him. With each full moon, though, the attraction is getting more and more difficult to resist. As she clamps a hand over her mouth to muffle her scream as her climax hits, Becky still feels a pang of guilt for thinking about him while she's with Sasha, but it's like a lighthouse on some far-flung rock battered from all sides until it's lost in the waves.

"I'm going to go check on Seth," Sasha says as the initial rush from Becky's orgasm just starts to fade. She's still sprawled between Becky's legs, running her chin back and forth over her hip. The lines from Sasha's nails are just starting to fade on Becky's thighs, and that's more due to werewolf healing than any lack of vigour on Sasha's part. "Wanna come with?"

Wanna come with? The invitation is there. It's always there—always more than those innocent words—and Becky knows it, which makes resisting even harder. As soon as Sasha had revealed that she was sleeping with Seth, she made it very clear that Becky was welcome to join in. Seth never came right out and said anything, but it was obvious that he would be fine with it too. Becky is the one keeping the triangle from closing, and that's been her position for so long now that she isn't even sure how to change her own mind. "No." Becky forces herself to sit up, leaning back against the headboard and crossing her legs so Sasha can't try to weaken her resolve. "You two go have fun," she adds, barely able to hide her flinch. Even to her own ears, she sounds like an old woman getting ready for an early night in.

Sighing, Sasha curls up beside her, resting her head on Becky's thigh. "It would be more fun with you. C'mon, Becks. What's wrong? What's holding you back? You know Seth's into it. I've wanted it from the start. And you like Seth, so. . . ."

"Seth's my friend." Becky clenches her jaw so tightly it almost hurts, and her blush feels like a fire building under her cheekbones. Before Sasha can protest, she adds, "I know we're friends too. But we also started out with . . . this." She gestures around their shared suite. Hiding in plain sight, indeed. Since they're friends and wrestling as a tag team, no one thinks twice about them sharing a suite; lots of teams room together to save some money on the road. "Seth and I have been friends—just friends—for too long now. It would be awkward."

Sasha shakes her head against Becky's thigh. "It'll only be awkward if you make it awkward, Becks. Honestly." Then she pauses, threading her fingers with Becky's. "You can start out slow. Just with Seth, if you want to. It doesn't have to be all three of us right away."

Becky moves subtly to the side, grabbing a glass of water from the bedside table. That last orgasm was exhausting, almost a workout in its own right, and her mind is still far too hazy to think clearly. "Go have fun with Seth," she says simply. "If you both want to bring in a third, go for it." Back when Sasha revealed her relationship with Seth, she had apologized for not saying something right away, but Becky forgave her easily; since then all three of them agreed to tell the others if they're involved with anyone else. When Becky had briefly dated a human a few months ago, she didn't remember Seth having much of a reaction at all.

"We don't want a third." Sitting up, Sasha cups Becky's face and kisses her softly. "We want you."

"Sash. . . ." Becky sets the glass back on the table, using the moment to choose her words. "You two have your own thing. And I'm fine with that. Don't feel like you have to try including me, okay?" It's easier to say than If Seth were really interested, why doesn't he ever say anything to me? Sasha will have a dozen replies to that, and Becky's not up to hearing any of them. When Sasha tries to protest, Becky leans in and kisses her again. "Go. I think I owe Charlotte a phone call anyway, so I'll do that while you're gone."

Sasha sighs, but she doesn't push it. To her credit, she never does. She just kisses Becky softly and eases off the bed. Rather than getting fully dressed, she just steps into her dress and shoves her bra and panties into her purse. Her hand lingers on the doorknob, though, and she glances back at Becky, who's already reaching for her phone. "Are you sure?" She always asks again before she leaves. Just like Becky, she knows what it's like to be on the outside, to be the one not chosen.

"I'm good." Becky's answer is always some variation of that—Yeah, go ahead, I'm sure—but it also always used to be true. Lately she's not so sure. One day the invitations will stop; she can't expect them to keep offering, which will leave it up to her to ask. She has one of the most colourful vocabularies she knows of, but even she's not sure she has the words for what she needs to say.

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