Chapter 16

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Full moons were always something they shared, but now that they share each other too, the runs feel more complete, more soothing. Sometimes the playing starts early with a romp back at the hotel or wherever they're staying. They all had the last full moon off, so Seth invited Sasha and Becky to his house, and he couldn't remember when he had spent so much time in his own bed when he was home. The freedom to be open and naked without the worry of housekeeping staff or friends knocking at the door felt luxuriant.

They try not to play too much in the SUV on the way to their chosen running spot, and only in part so they don't distract the driver. They had a near miss when they were pulled over by a police officer checking vehicles for a missing child, and Becky had to quickly wrap herself in a travel blanket to hide the fact that she was naked. After the fateful night with the snare, they've all come to appreciate having a cabin on site, so they specifically look for places where they can spend the night if they like. It makes finding remote spots more difficult, but the time they get to spend together makes it worth it. They have sex off and on all month long—Seth and Becky more than any other combination—but around the full moon it's almost transcendent.

As soon as Seth parks, both Sasha and Becky are out of the SUV, bags in hand as they run towards the cabin. Even in their rush, they'll walk around the area first, checking for any potential danger: traps, cameras, other animals or people. For all the good things that night brought them, they'll never forget that it could have easily gone the other way. Seth's wound has long since healed, but even he rubs the spot once in a while as if he can feel the snare cutting in. He does it now as he watches Sasha and Becky emerge from the cabin, bags safely tucked away. "Perimeter?" he asks.

They walk side by side by side when they can, or one falls behind when the path is too narrow, but they always stay close, pointing out potential hazards as well as good trails for running. When they're all confident that the immediate vicinity is safe, that's when the fun truly begins. Chasing each other back to the cabin, tugging at clothing along the way but waiting to take it off until they're back, their runs are finally both fun and refreshing. The cabin is barely in sight when Seth sweeps Becky off her feet and kisses her, pressing her up against a tree as his hands slide under her shirt. One bonus to wearing clothing that's easy to put on is that it's usually equally easy to take off.

"When I said I wanted you two to fuck," Sasha laughs as she undresses, "I didn't mean literally all the time." She wore a short sundress that she has off in a flash, and her bra and panties are quick to follow. It's always tempting to wear as little as possible, but they still have to be prepared to be presentable in public too.

"It's been hours," Becky protests, sliding down out of Seth's arms to go kiss Sasha. She knows there are no hurt feelings, but since she remembers all too well what it's like to be on the outside looking in, she wants to make certain Sasha knows how much she's adored.

"Several hours." Seth comes over too, lifting Sasha off her feet and kissing her. It's an odd picture, with him fully dressed and her completely naked, but it sums up the dichotomy of their lives. Even though they spend most of their time in human form, their werewolf nature is their core; it defines them, limiting them and enhancing them at the same time.

Sasha rolls her eyes, but accepts and returns the kisses happily. "Less than a day. Freakin' nymphos." She hops down to her feet and stretches. "Spot me while I shift? I want to run around, but if you two want to fuck first, feel free. I promise I won't head over to the river without you."

Becky's hands are already on the drawstring of Seth's sweatpants. "We'll meet you over by those three big rocks, okay? Give us fifteen." A wolf's sense of time is different than a human's, but they always seem to be able to judge accurately enough.

Seth can't resist. "Yep. Fifty minutes." He grins as he gets a friendly jab from Becky on one side and a quick smack from Sasha on the other.

"I'm really going to have to start using this accent thing to my advantage." Becky pulls Seth down into a kiss while Sasha is shifting, and they both ruffle her fur before Sasha lopes off, giving an indelicate snort that translates to something close to lovable idiots.

After watching Sasha venture into the forest, Seth focusses wholly on Becky. "We could have gone to the rocks too. . . ."

Becky shakes her head. "If you're offering to be on the bottom, sure." They retreat into the cabin instead, shedding clothes quickly so they'll be able to meet up with Sasha; they can unwrap each other like presents another time. Seth barely waits until she's peeled off her leggings before he picks her up and presses her against the wall, making the old window rattle with each thrust. It's rough and fast, but they appreciate each time they're together, knowing how many times they could have been but weren't. Wolves aren't prone to regret, but their human sides can wallow in it, and neither of them want to live that way anymore.

After having a quick drink of water, they go outside to shift, crouching side by side. Becky leans over and kisses his neck where his scar would be, letting her tongue trace its ghostly edges. "Whatever happened to the snare? Sasha threw it out, right?"

Seth just grins. "I'm not telling. Maybe I have plans for it." He's thought of making a bracelet for her and Sasha somehow, or some piece of art the can display. The snare could have taken his life, so he wanted at least a piece of it as a reminder.

"Like Sasha said, lovable idiot." Becky kisses him before she settles back into position. Now that her hesitance is gone, she shifts just as quickly as Seth and Sasha do, and he wonders how many other ways she held herself back.

Things changed. But not everything. Seth still watches her shift to make sure she transforms safely, and she spots him, but now they run alongside each other, towards Sasha, and then they can all run together as a pack, no longer an open triangle but a circle, cohesive and strong and whole.

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