Chapter 15

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Things changed. All three of them knew they would, even if they couldn't predict exactly the how or why or when of it. There's not much point in trying to keep it secret in the locker room or backstage since almost everyone suspected anyway, but they still try to at least be discreet.

Seth still gets a separate suite for appearance's sake, but now he gets the second keycard for Becky and Sasha's suite and they share the first, which is still a work in progress. Now he comes to them, rather than Sasha bouncing between the rooms. Each full moon brings them closer and closer and at the last, they had their first attempt at a threesome. Sasha realizes now that trying to have Becky in the middle during her first experience was probably a mistake; the combination of the full moon and shifting and so much contact was overwhelming, but Seth managed to keep her from panicking. They've been taking it slower ever since, but Sasha doesn't mind. It means long, lazy nights of kissing and touching and cuddling, all of which serve as a nice reminder that while the sex is a wonderful complement to their bond, it's not the core of it. It's the togetherness they truly crave, and sex is only one way there.

Sometimes Seth texts first, making sure they're done before he comes over to their room. Other times he comes early and not always to join in. Sasha's a bit surprised by how much he enjoys the simple act of watching; if she had realized that earlier, she would have suggested it months ago, hoping it would nudge him and Becky together. She and Becky are a tangle of kisses and hands when they both stop, Becky's fingers just a whisper away from the spot that can make Sasha cry out in seconds. "Seth," they say as one, recognizing his voice easily.

Then they hear another voice, one that's also familiar, though not intimately so. Sasha muffles her laugh against Becky's breast. "Ha. He got stopped by Roman!"

It's far enough away from the full moon that their hearing isn't at its peak, but Becky and Sasha can still make out enough words to follow the conversation. Roman starts by teasing Seth about doing double duty, then makes a remark about how Seth used to consider Becky like a sister. She giggles at that, curling closer to Sasha. "Guess we're going to have to wait a bit before we try anything at an arena," she says with a chuckle.

Sasha can hear the disappointment beneath it, though. She and Seth had fun in locker rooms at the start before anyone caught on, but by the time she and Becky got together, people knew what to watch for. Now there's too much scrutiny for any of them to get away with much, but Sasha wants to Becky to experience that rush as well, the giddiness that comes with knowing you could be interrupted at any moment. "I could be your lookout," Sasha offers, sliding her hand between Becky's legs again as they listen to Roman giving Seth a speech about treating women respectfully. "You could have a phone with you and I could always pretend to be texting my brother and then if someone's getting too close—"

The keycard is swiped through the reader then, the beep cutting Sasha off mid-word, and Seth shuts the door emphatically. "Holy fuck. Roman must think I've never been in a healthy relationship before."

Sasha raises an eyebrow. "You have to admit your track record isn't the greatest, Rollins, at least not as long as he's known you." Then she gestures to herself and Becky like a game show hostess displaying prizes. "But you've clearly learned something, right?"

"I'm not sure sleeping with an engaged woman as well as my best friend counts as healthy," Seth replies, kicking off his shoes at the door. He never takes clothes off unless he's clearly invited into the bed—or the shower, or wherever Becky and Sasha happen to be.

"Well, we wouldn't want you to be unhealthy now, would we, Becky?" Normally Sasha's quite happy to include him right away, but now she feels like making him wait, so she pushes Becky back down on the bed. "No touching," she orders, holding Seth's gaze as she slides two fingers into Becky. "And that includes touching yourself." That was one lesson they learned the hard way, especially since they had to spend much of that particular evening cleaning up the aftermath.

"Can he . . . at least take his shirt off?" Becky sighs beneath her, wrapping her fingers around Sasha's wrist and urging it forward.

Glancing up, Sasha sees that Seth already has his shirt halfway over his head. "Oh, fine." She may pretend to be annoyed, but she loves seeing them together as much as she loves being with them herself. "No hands, and pants on for now," Sasha amends as Seth comes over to the bed. "You only get to use your mouth."

"I'm fine with that. For now." But Seth breaks one of the rules almost instantly, tugging on Becky's hair until she tilts her head back far enough for him to kiss her. Sasha knows how much she loves that, though, so she lets the transgression slide. It gives her better access to Becky's neck, anyway, and she can feel Becky's moans building, as deep as a cat's purr.

"Faster, Sasha. Please."

Sasha's happy to oblige, but it takes her a moment to realize that if Becky's pleading, then she's not kissing Seth anymore. A shadow blurs her peripheral vision and then there's a soft wave of breath on the nape of her neck. "Using my hands to keep my balance doesn't count," Seth murmurs against her shoulder. As he starts kissing a path along her spine, Sasha can see his arms planted on either side of her and Becky, and it doesn't take long for Becky to grip his forearms as her orgasm starts to unfurl.


Sasha's legs were already spread so she could pin Becky down, but she didn't think Seth would be able to contort himself into a position to take advantage of that. Gotta give the boy some credit, she thinks when she feels the first swipe of his tongue. Then there's the brush of knuckles as Becky grabs a handful of his hair, helping to guide him closer. Their bodies make an awkward tangle, especially since Becky and Sasha were already close to the edge of the bed, but it's the closest Sasha has felt to the exhilaration of a full-moon run in human form.

Becky comes first, one hand digging into Sasha's shoulder and the other tightening in Seth's hair, but it doesn't take Sasha long to follow suit, sprawling across the bed. When Seth moves to sit up, though, Becky tugs on his hair until he stretches out beside her. "Hey," Sasha protests mildly, still basking in the unexpected orgasm. "He broke the rules." Becky's too busy kissing him and working on unfastening his jeans to notice.

Seth breaks the kiss long enough to smile at Sasha. "I don't think you're going to sway her with that one." Once she has his zipper open, he reaches down to help her push his jeans over his hips.

"Oh, I think I can." Even if Seth had been in the bathroom, there wouldn't be much point in whispering, but Sasha's pretends anyway, leaning close to Becky's ear and listing off some potential punishments. "So what do you think, Becks?"

Becky's grin is a twin of Sasha's, warm and wicked. "Consider me swayed."

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