Chapter 3

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So many people call the Four Horsewomen a sisterhood, but Sasha's not sure how accurate that is anymore. Bayley is still her best friend and Becky is so many things to her, but ever since Charlotte found out that Becky and Sasha were sleeping together, she became a bit distant. At first, Sasha thought it was typical best friend protectiveness: she wanted to make sure Sasha wasn't going to break Becky's heart. Almost a year later, it should be obvious that Sasha has no intentions of hurting Becky, but Charlotte still doesn't seem convinced—and never fails to tell Sasha at any given opportunity.

When Sasha sees Charlotte coming down the hallway, she swears under her breath. I should have left Seth earlier, she thinks. Not that she would have; she doesn't like to rush with either of her lovers. Maybe if Charlotte knew— She doesn't even let herself finish the thought. She and Becky have discussed telling the other Horsewomen that they're werewolves, just like Seth considered telling his Shield brothers, but ultimately they all decided against it. There may be strength in numbers, but for a secret, there's more safety in scarcity. Sparing a quick look down at her dress to make sure it's not too rumpled, Sasha deploys her brightest smile. "Hey, Charlie. Did Becks get in touch with you? She said she wanted to call you—"

"She told you that before you went off to ride Rollins's dick, did she?" Charlotte's gaze is icy. While the trio's werewolf status is still secret, most of the wrestlers know Sasha's involved with both Seth and Becky. Considering how many flings and hook-ups happen on the road, no one else really has room to judge. "At least one of us takes the time to talk to her."

If it were the night before the full moon, Sasha would have to excuse herself so she didn't rip Charlotte's head off. Since she has a few days to spare, she unsheathes a sharp smile instead of her claws. "Oh, Becky and I talk all the time—when our mouths aren't elsewhere." Taking a step closer, she leans in and adds, "Jealous that you missed your chance? But you've had . . . what is it now? Eight titles? Ten? That's nice too, I guess. Between the two, I know which I'd pick. Every single time."

Hoping she wasn't loud enough for Becky to overhear, Sasha walks away, reaching their shared suite in a few long strides. The cardlock is still beeping when she enters, drowning out the first part of Becky's welcome—but she catches enough. "She means well," Becky finishes. She's already curled up in bed, but she turns onto her side so she can see Sasha over the pile of blankets.

Sasha shakes her head. "Don't get up. I know you're warm." Strangely, this is what she thinks Seth would like the most about spending nights with Becky. He'd love the sex, of course, but Sasha's never known anyone who cuddles quite as well as Becky does. She always burrows in, snuggling up close, and feeling Becky smile against her shoulder is one of Sasha's favourite things in the world. Since she's safely in their suite, she lets her purse and dress fall where they may and kicks her shoes towards the door before peeling off her panties and climbing onto bed. Becky starts to switch positions again so they can spoon, but Sasha grabs her hip before she can flip over. "Did Seth text you?"

A wave of wistfulness washes over Becky's face, there and then gone, and she shakes her head, forcing herself to meet Sasha's gaze. "No. Was he supposed to?" The forced brightness in her voice feels like sandpaper in Sasha's ears. Before she can reply, Becky's tone evens out a bit as she adds, "You didn't have to shower before coming back, you know."

"I know." Sasha reaches over and pulls one of Becky's curls down into her face, making it bounce a bit before smoothing it back. Part of her hopes that by bringing some of Seth back with her—sometimes his personal scent, this time his soap—Becky will want to come along next time, but so far the theory hasn't worked. "My little bae-wolf," Sasha sighs, tracing the curve of Becky's cheeks when she smiles at the pun. "We missed you." Can you miss something you've never had? Sasha thinks so; maybe she's simply wondered and dreamed about it so often that it feels real.

Becky could argue the point, but she never does. "You can stay with him, you know. Whenever you want to. I don't mind. And then he'll feel less like a sex toy." Even Becky laughs at that, though it's softer than her usual chuckle. Once most of the other wrestlers knew Sasha was sleeping with both Seth and Becky, a few of the guys started calling Seth 'Sasha's sex toy'. Mercifully it didn't catch on, but it still comes up from time to time. She doesn't want either of her lovers to be hurt, but if one of them had to be the butt of a joke, Sasha's glad it was Seth and not Becky. The women's division still isn't taken as seriously as it should be, and every slight and slam against it makes progress more difficult; Seth's already had to rebound from a leaked photo scandal, but neither of the women wouldn't be so fortunate.

"I know. But I wanted to be here with you." When Becky starts to to speak again, Sasha leans in and kisses her into silence. Becky's insecurities seem to flare at night, and no amount of reassurance can settle them. Kisses do, though, and gentle touches, and Sasha uses both to help put Becky at ease.

"Thank you." Becky's voice softens, her accent stretching out the vowels like taffy, and it's one of Sasha's favourite things to hear, that unbidden Irishness coming out. She loves knowing that she's one of the few who can bring it forth; whenever they're having sex and Becky starts murmuring in Irish against her skin, Sasha's heart skips a beat. Let Charlotte have all the titles, all the firsts; Sasha has Becky's heart, and that's something much harder to win, let alone keep. "We should get some sleep," Becky whispers, even though one of her hands is curled around Sasha's hip. "That meet and greet tomorrow is pretty early."

Sleep isn't what either one of them really wants or needs and they both know it. They haven't lived for years on the road without learning how to make do on not enough sleep and too much caffeine, and while it's a risk to push themselves too far so close to a full moon, they know their limits. "You still look pretty awake, though," Sasha teases, pushing Becky onto her back and tugging her panties down. "I need to tire you out." Once she has the panties off, she tosses them to the floor. "Why do you ever bother wearing anything to bed?" It's another question she always asks, mostly because she loves hearing the answers Becky comes up with, ranging from the hilarious to the horny.

"Because I need to tire you out." Becky's chuckle turns to a sigh as Sasha pushes her tank top over her breasts.

"Well, if we want to get any sleep tonight," Sasha replies, placing her first kiss on Becky's collarbone and working her way down, "then we'd better get started." Part of her feels like she should advocate harder for Seth, but a louder voice says that's his job, not hers. It's not her fault Seth hasn't made his move or that Charlotte can't see past her ego. Sasha knew from the start what she wanted and she went for it—and as the first delicious words of Irish start falling from Becky's lips, she's silently, selfishly happy that she doesn't have to share. At least not yet.

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