Chapter 14

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Full moons bring heightened senses, increased awareness, intensified feelings. The mornings after, though, are often defined by the negatives. The feelings that had been so vibrant the night before start to feel overwhelming. The alertness begins to feel more like paranoia. The amplified senses become more of a burden than a boon. Seth has flinched from bright sunlight more than once on the morning after a full-moon night and he fully expects to do so that morning, but there's something soft covering his face. At first he figures it's the bed sheet, but there are too many gaps and too much colour; most hotels keep things as bland and neutral as possible in their colour schemes.

When he reaches up to brush it aside, Seth realizes it's hair, so his first thought goes to Sasha. She almost always goes back to her room to sleep with Becky after she's done with him, though, and the colour is wrong. Becky. The hair is as bright and warm as fire, and the memories that follow are an inferno, burning up every thought in his head aside from the fact that Becky's in his bed. Or is he in hers? Seth doesn't care in the slightest. They could be in a cardboard box for all he cares, as long as they're together.

Becky's curled up close to his chest, but part of him still doesn't believe any of this—Becky in his arms or all the things that happened before to get her there—but it feels too real to be a dream. The softness of her skin, the press of her body, the sleepy beat of her heart: they're all things he's wondered about and dreamed about and now they're in his bed, in his hands, and all he can think is Wow.

Seth is trying not to move, not to disturb her, but he can tell the exact moment when Becky wakes up. The muscles in her abdomen go taut, her fingers curl, and her next breath is a gasp, sharp and soft all at once. "Shit. It's morning?" She buries her face against his chest the way he seeks refuge in a pillow. "Of course it's morning. Shit. Sorry." Her hand slides off his chest to the mattress to brace herself as she rises. "What time is it?" He can feel her eyelashes fluttering against his chest as she struggles to wake up.

"Don't worry about that." Seth runs a hand up and down her back, relaxing as she eases back against him. He doesn't want her to leave; he doesn't even want to leave the room. It's not like the event that night is a pay-per-view. Someone else can take their matches. He's waited and wondered for too long to be content with just one night—no matter how incredible it was.

"I need to shower, though." Becky props herself up enough to meet his gaze, and he's smugly pleased to see that her eyes are still hazy. After a moment, she starts to blush and she looks over to his phone, its light blinking accusingly. "I should talk to Sasha."

"Later," Seth urges, pulling her on top of him. The little gasp she lets out when she presses against his cock melts into laughter, and he loves both sounds equally. She's not used to waking up to this, he has to remind himself, picturing her and Sasha tangled together as they sleep. "And you already had a shower—"

"Considering how messy we were," Becky replies, no awkwardness in her grin now, "I don't think that counts." Seth misses the sheepishness, but only slightly; it's an easy trade for finally being able to touch her. "Fifteen minutes."

The words are shaped mid-kiss and Seth wraps his arms around her to keep her from leaving. "You said fifty minutes, right?" he teases, nuzzling her neck.

"Funny, you didn't have any problems understanding my accent last night." Becky starts moving her hips slowly, grinding against him as she slides both hands into his hair and tugs.

It feels like little sparks running along his scalp and Seth loves it. He's had long hair for a while now—with his type of curls, it's just easier, strangely enough—but now he resolves not to cut it for a while. The longer they kiss, the louder Becky's heartbeat gets—until he realizes it's not her heart at all. "Do you hear that?" He hates to pull away—it still feels like this could all still shatter at any given second—but if Housekeeping is at the door, they could be coming in at any moment if they think the room is unoccupied.

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