Part II

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The man has a glowing and hydrated skin, full lips, sharp jawline, beautiful chestnut hair, and dark coffee-like eyes that pierced Win. The other was undeniably attractive, and Win became even more embarrassed at the fact that he had to make noises, specifically sex noises to the other.

"Hello, Win. It's nice to meet you. As you already know, my name is Bright Vachirawit. I hope you do well." Bright said, followed by a chuckle that had heat starting to pool in Win's jeans. Bright's voice was, oh god, how can you even describe? It was rich, smooth, and flowed out so sinfully from those full, plump limps that would make everyone have goosebumps, not from fear but from euphoria and sexual arousal.

Win licked his lips and responded, "Likewise, it's nice to meet you, Bright."

"Alright, let's get started people! We don't have all day." The judge shouted, and everyone hushed around them.

Win glanced at the script, a lump forming in his throat at all lewd and obscene sentences and noises he had to make. Was this an appropriate moment to dig his grave and strangle himself.

He straightened himself out, stuffing the plush headphones on his ears and got into the character as much as he could.

"Yuki, how many times have I told you not to do that? You're being such a naughty boy." Bright's husky voice sent shivers up his spine and a sound of disapproval left his tantalizing lips.

"S-Senpai, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me." Win slightly whined out.

"You like this, don't you? You truthfully like it when I'm rough." Bright chuckled, his voice dropping lower, his entire being oozing of sex and desire.

"Wha-What do you mean, Akira senpai?" Win's pitch rose slightly. His voice shaking as his eyes were looking innocent.

From across the table, Win caught Bright's stare that was intense. It bound him and he couldn't break the strong gaze. His throat felt as if it was going dry, and even if Win shoved the whole ocean if drinkable water down his throat, his thirst would not be quenched.

Win's arousal was slightly twitching in the confines of his pants, but he was luckily covered by the table and he looked down at the script once more to act his lines as precise as he could.

"Ahh! Mhmm... ngg... S-Senpai! D-don't do that." Win gasped and whimpered, his breathing accelerating enough for the scene.

His eyes were lidded, cheeks hot, and he restrained his hands from palming his semi-erection.

"Ah you're so wet right now, look at the mess you're making." Bright groaned, and he licked his lips. The small action caused Win's breath to be lodged in his throat. He was turned on by mere words in front of the other and indeed, he knew why Bright was so well favored, an expert to be exact in this industry.

"N-no. It's embarrassing, don't look." Win pleaded in a slight whisper.

"You don't know what you do to me, Yuki." Bright growled, and Win bit his lips. "You're making it hard to not touch you more." Bright claimed throatily.

"T-then... ahh... touch me more, please." Win moaned wantonly. More whispers and moans spilled from his lips.

"Cut!" The judge shouted, interrupting their heated exchange of lustful lines.

"Wow! Fantastic! Amazing! That was too good for words, are you sure you're a newbie, Win?" The judge squealed and he clapped his hands rapidly with a Cheshire-like smile that caused large protruding cheekbones to appear.

Win sighed in relief as the lights brightened once more, but his problem was still present. It pulsed through his bloodstream and he felt an overwhelming heat unwind.

Win's mind drifted for a moment and wondered what Bright was like in bed, fucking him rough and hard till he couldn't speak, whispering naughty things in his ear like he did in the audition, and Win stopped the train of indecent thought and laughed airily.

Bright removed his earphones and smiled at Win momentarily. His pearly white teeth were dazzling and almost blinded Win.

No, Win. Think about disgusting thoughts. Think about Tay and Newwie, you know, that one time you caught them doing that... Win shuddered at the revolting image and his erection thankfully went away, yet he still felt the sizzling desire at his fingertips.

"Wow, you're a natural. Pretty good for a newbie." Bright praised, and Win bashfully smiled back and said, "Thank you."

Bright stood up and Win's breath was knocked out of him once more, damnit get a grip of yourself, Win!

Bright was tall and his long legs stretched out for miles like a model on the runway. His body was lean and just right in all of Win's mind.

He was like sex on legs, literally, and Win couldn't help but rake his eyes all over the masterpiece in front of him.

"Win! Your audition was perfect! Magnificent! You're definitely the one. I knew you'd make the perfect uke since the moment you stepped into the room!" The judge dramatically shrieked. "I'm Off Jumpol and it'll be a pleasure working with you as the director." The judge enthusiastically informed.

"Thank you so much, I will work hard." Win responded gladly. Off told him he would have all the days ready for recording sessions and until then to rest up. He stood up and bid his farewells to everyone before exiting the studio room, his nervousness evaporated and replaced with comfort.

"Wait till I tell Tay." Win murmured to himself and he slowly walked out of the building.

"Hey!" A voice called from behind him. The warm breath hitting his ear unexpectedly and he jumped.

His face was met with none other than Bright, who looked to dam hot for his own well-being.

"H-hi." Win gawked at the voice actor in front of him.

"Since we'll be acting together, I was wondering if we could exchange numbers?" Bright noted, and Win hurriedly got his phone out for the other.

"Yeah, sure. Sounds good." Win replied nonchalantly, but on the inside, his fanboy was hollering with intense mating calls.

"I'll see you at the next recording session then." Bright said and he waved bye as he headed to the opposite direction, his broad back in Win's view.

Win knew he would have to go straight home and into the shower to take care of his problem, a certain actor's name leaving his lips.

A thought drifted in the other's mind. He was in no way going to get attached to Bright Vachirawit, right? Everything was strictly business. But the thought of it being "more than business" had Win biting his lips. Win knew the upcoming recording sessions were going to be hell for him, his body especially. The excitement of seeing Bright more buzzed through Win. The gorgeous voice actor occupied his mind all the way.

Win was worried that this entire business with the model-like male would affect him immensely, and the scenes they had to do were... No. Win shook his head.

After all, it's just acting... right?

A/N: So, what do y'all think of Part II?

I was cringing so hard when I wrote those scenes. Even now, I'm still cringing at myself everytime I read it.

Oh, BTW, the anime character that Bright will be voicing is named Akira, which means "bright" or "clear". I'm still thinking about the surname, but I think I'll incorporate either the word "wolf", or Ame ("rain") which is the name of Bright's cat.

Do you have any suggestions regarding Akira's surname?

If you have any comments, suggestions or violent reactions, don't be shy and let me know. Also, don't forget to VOTE if you like/enjoy the story. 😘

IT'S JUST ACTING (BrightWin AU)Where stories live. Discover now