Part V

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The mortification was prominent in his body, and the heat scorched him inside out as he hesitantly looked at the building's door.

Win replayed in his head countless times how he would interact with Bright with a simple 'Hi how are you?' and him responding 'I'm good' and so forth to seem normal. He was actually crying on the inside as the incident of the practice session swirled in his head.

He cleared his throat, straightened his back, and walked inside to greet the staff. He bowed to them respectfully and made his way to his seat.

"Win, hey." Bright greeted as he walked past the other. The sudden presence of Bright had Win's body jolting and heart racing.

"H-Hey." Win laughed out awkwardly as he rubbed the nape of his neck, feeling himself heat up. Fuck! You idiot keep yourself in line!

"You didn't answer my calls or texts and I kinda got worried. Sorry if I bother you or anything." Bright's deflated voice caused a pang of sadness in the other's heart and vigorously shook his head.

"No!" He shouted, and afterwards cringed at his abrupt outburst, "What I meant was that you weren't bothering me. I've been really busy with my college assignments so..."

"That's good. I hope you're resting enough. It sounds difficult." Bright's face lightened up and he smiled.

"Y-yeah, thanks." Win muttered as he fiddled with his script. Bright Vachirawit's smile was the death of him and the life of all creation, fuck.

"I hope you two have been practicing well. Let's not dilly dally and get started." Off hollered in a rowdy manner, and Bright rubbed his temples.

"Working with Off is... I don't even know, you think you get used to it after a while, but you don't." Bright chuckled as he admitted and it made Win's heart swell.

He laughed along with Bright briefly, not noticing the lingering gaze that Bright sent his way.

The recording session went by smoothly and the scenes were well recorded, and even re-recorded to get better results. Win didn't mind it as he did before, making sure to relieve his sexual desire in the morning, ahem.

Win was satisfied at his accomplishment for the day and said his goodbyes.

However, before he made his way to the elevator, Off suddenly shouted, "Party at my place! Drinks are on me since you guys have been working so hard at producing this. Invite anyone else you want. I expect all of you to come and stay." He shot daggers at certain people and his eyes landed on the two main characters.

"You better come Bright Vachirawhipped! You're coming right, Win?" Off's tone changed from malicious when he was talking to Bright, to sweet when it was Win. The director could see how Bright's eye twitched when he asked Win. Hehe gotcha!

"Y-yeah, sure." Win responded out of the pressuring gaze that Off sent. He heard a sigh of defeat next to him.

"I'm coming too." Bright said, his face looking as if he regretted the decision deeply.

"Good! I'll see you both around 8pm then! Bye!" Off chirped as he skipped away to the staff.

"Is he always this... wild and moody?" Win winced at the image of Off prancing around.

"Sadly." Bright flat out responded.

He turned to the side, looking at Bright's features that had him once again captivated. "Well then, I'll see you later." Win meekly said as he retreated out the door and into the elevator.

He pushed floor one and rolled his neck to dispel the discomfort in his shoulders and neck. The doors were closing when he saw an attractive male run his way down the corridor to the elevator Win was in.

"W-Wait!" Bright gasped as he stuck his hand dangerously between the metallic colored doors. His lips curved up to a pleasing smile as he entered the elevator, standing next to Win.

Win was inwardly panicking the moment Bright made his way towards the elevator. He wanted to just jam the 'close doors' button, but his body was frozen. Win looked anywhere but at Bright. As the contraption descended, Bright started to speak.

"So, what do you major in?"

"Uh, just visual communication and stuff like that." Win inwardly cringed at his answer, his mind cursing like a sailor at his own stupidity and feelings.

"Sounds cool." Bright chuckled out, and his eyes crinkled. Win swore he saw the light.

The silence enveloped them, and Win thought of what to say to break the slight tension when the elevator 'dinged' and the doors opened. They both exited the building, the cold breeze blowing through the streets, accompanied by the sounds of vehicles and other sounds in the area.

"I'll see you later at the party then." Bright blurted out.

"Oh, umm... O-Okay." Win stammered out as he lowered his head.

Bright Vachirawit left like that. He left Win Metawin a flustering mess.


A/N: I usually end my stories in Part V but I think I'll write a couple more. 😉

If you have any comments, suggestions or violent reactions, don't be shy and let me know. Also, don't forget to VOTE if you like/enjoy the story. 😘

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