Downtown Dallas (II)

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"Jamie. Over here, I guess this is where we will be sitting because Mattie told me to sit here." I say as Jamie walks over with my food and his food.”I wonder what is always going through Mattie’s head all the time, just like I wonder that about Val.” Jamie says as he sets the food down.

“So Jamie, I guess when can get to know each other a little better seeing as we don’t have to deal with the two children over there.” I say as I look over and see Tyler and Zoe playing with the toys that came with their meals.

“Yeah haha. Let’s talk.” Jamie said

After lunch

“You mean you broke Jordie’s arm while sledding? How did you manage that?” I ask, laughing and trying not to choke on my drink.

“We were sledding and he thought it would be a good idea to go down at once and I landed on his arm. That was a story to tell our parents let me tell you that. I didn’t get in trouble because I was 7 and Jordie was 9, he was yelled at for the dumb idea. I love growing up with an older brother. It also made my tougher.” Jamie says and takes a sip of his Coke.

“Yeah, when Corey and I were younger, we didn’t get to try stuff like that because of our age difference. But, he helped me with a lot through my school days. He helped me learn english because we grew up speaking french. It really helped me out and he helped me love hockey.” I say, as I remember the old days. “Maybe we should go finish out on the town.”

“Yeah, let’s go before we get kicked out of Mcdonald’s.” Jamie says, as we get up to throw our trash away and gathering up the other four.

“Where should we go next guys?” I ask as we walk out the door into the mid-summer air.

“Let’s go shopping!” Tyler and Zoe and yell and run off. Oh boy.

“Let’s just hope those two don’t kill themselves first.” I say as I look over to Jamie who is laughing  at them. “Yeah, I don’t need to explain to coach why Tyler is no longer here.” Jamie says as his hand touches mine again as we walk after the two idiots.


Jamie and I decided to go off on our own while Mattie and Val were dealing with the two children known as Tyer and Zoe, I don’t know how they did it.  Jamie and I were walking through a store looking at clothes. When I felt his hand brush up against mine again, I could feel my cheeks heating up. I looked down and smiled a little.


“You okay Abs?” Jamie asked. “Y-Yeah, just fine.” I said. I couldn’t help but want to hold his hand but he beat me to it.  I Felt his hand intertwine with mine. I looked up him and smiled. We looked around. I found a couple shirts that I liked and I showed them to Jamie. “What do you think of these?” I asked, holding them up against my body. “I think they’d look great on you Abs.” He said smiling at me. “Stop lying Mr. Benn.” I said putting two of the shirts back. “I would never lie to you.” He said.


We finished in that store and walked around a little more. Jamie making jokes here and there and me smacking him every once in a while because I knew what he was doing.  As we were walking, we met up with Val, Mattie, Zoe and Tyler. Mattie saw Jamie and I holding hands and she just laughed. Tyler and Zoe were sitting on a bench looking tired and actually quiet.


“Let’s head to dinner guys and then head home, it has been a long day.”Jamie says as he looks down at me to see me leaning into him. “Before these three fall asleep on us.”




We decided to eat at Olive Garden, let me say that was a bad idea. Tyler and Zoe seemed to wake up because they both love the breadsticks there and tey decided to have a light saber fight with them.

“Miss, can we get two kids menus and crayons please?” Mattie asks the waitress. The waitress gives her a weird look but sees Tyler and Zoe and goes to get them. “Here you go” The waitress said.

Mattie handed the menus to Zoe and Tyler and they decided to have a competition on who could color them the best. that will keep them busy.


We all ordered our food and ate in peace until Tyler tried to take some of Zoe’s food and Zoe hit his hand with her fork. We all started to laugh at Tyler’s hurt face. The waitress came back and asked if we wanted dessert. All of us said yes. Tyler and Zoe split something as did Val and Mattie, that left Jamie and I. He looked at me and I did a little smile. We decided to split something as well.


We ate our desserts and paid and left to go home. Jamie and I sat in the back and I laid my head on his shoulder and fell asleep. The next thing I know is I am being carried to my bedroom by Jamie. He kisses my forehead and shuts my door. Today has been amazing.


Jamie’s POV


Today was by far the best day all summer. I think I have real feelings for Abby, but she is a co worker of mine basically. I am breaking one of my own rules. But truly, I think I like Abby Crawford.


“Hey Jamie, where is Abby?” Tyler asks as he comes out of his room he he put Zoe to bed.


“She is sleeping in her room, but I have a question Tyler.” I say as I grab each of us a beer.


“What is it Jamie? No, you cannot borrow my car sorry.” Tyler says as he opens the bottle and takes a sip.


“Shut up dick. This is a serious question for once.” I say starting to get mad at Tyler. “How do you know if a girl likes you? I mean, yeah I sound like I am 14 but I am serious.”

“Jamie has a crush on Abby, but she likes you dude. I feel like she does and am I ever wrong?” Tyler says and goes into his room to be with Zoe.

Well, he is wrong at times, this is the one time I hope he isn’t wrong.


Author’s Note:

Does Abby like Jamie, what will happen? I enjoyed writing about Tyler and Zoe, easy to do because they act like children and I am a child at heart. Hope you all enjoyed this Chapter! The next chapter skips ahead to training camp for the Stars and the preseason. Will anything happen with Abby? Stay Classy All!

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