One question, 6 words.

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Jamie’s POV

Driving back to Tyler’s house to drop Tyler off I was figuring out how I was going to ask Abby out. I will probably go smooth and just ask. As we pull up to the driveway, I see Mattie helping Val to the car, poor kid must be exhausted. I also see Zoe’s car outside and figure she must be staying the night and that is no fun for Abby. Maybe I will have Abby come over tonight for a little movie date now and tomorrow. I walk into the house to see Abby sitting on the couch in her Blackhawks pajamas and wrapped in a Dallas Stars blanket.

“You are doing it all wrong, Abby. Either one or the other.” I say as I walk in and sit on the couch. Tyler goes upstairs and shuts his door.

“I support all my boys” She says as she looks over to me.

“I have a question for you Abby, well, two I guess but it can be one.” I start rambling.

“Spit it out Benn.” She says as she laughs.

“Would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow evening? Also, come to my house now and watch a few movies while the night is still young?” I ask, finally spit it out.

“I would love to Jamie. Let’s go and leave those two alone.” She says as she gets up to put on her shoes and we head out the door.

As we drive to my house, I feel Abby put her hand on mine that was on the middle console. I am glad she said yes to me, hopefully it works out. I want her in my life and I want her more as a friend.


I pull into the driveway and we get out of the car and head inside. The house is dark and quiet. Val must be at Mattie’s for the night. “Abby, what movie would you like to watch? Anything you want to watch we can watch.” I say as I log into Netflix. “I want to try another scary movie. Can we see Annabelle? Antti said it was a good movie when he and Crow went to see it with a few other guys.” She says as she sits down. “You sure you want to see it?” I ask, knowing how that movie can creep someone out. Tyler wouldn’t sleep with the light off for a week. That got annoying on the road. “Yes, I have you here to protect me, right?” She said as I sat down and searched for the movie. “Yes, I am right here. Now, let’s watch it.” I say as I press the button to play and the other button to turn the lights off.


The movie started playing. We laid down on the couch and halfway through, she came over to me and laid in front of me on her side so she was still facing the TV. A scary part came on in the movie and she hid her face in my arm. I placed my arm around her. “I’m right here Abs.” I said, and she moved closer to me. Abby tried to watch the rest of the movie but was too scared so she ended up facing me the whole time. I look down and see her beautiful face. “You have the most beautiful eyes Abby” I say as I lift up her chin. “Don’t worry Abs, the movie is over now, we can watch a funny movie now or whatever you want.” I say still looking into her gorgeous eyes. It was the perfect opportunity to kiss her. I started to lean in and I noticed her eyes closing, she wanted this as much as I did. Oh gosh. Don’t screw this up Jamie. I leaned in and kissed her. It was like fireworks were going off. This feeling was like no other I have ever felt. After what felt like a few seconds but longer, we parted and looked into each other’s eyes. “Jamie, that was… that was amazing.” She says as she cuddles closer into my chest. I could lay here all night with her in my arms.


“We should go to bed Jamie, we have practice tomorrow and the first preseason game.” She says and I can tell she is drifting off to sleep. “I’ll let you sleep in my bed and I will sleep here for tonight.” I say as we both get up. “You don’t have to do that, plus I am scared, I need my Jamie there to protect me.” She says as she grabs my hand. Her Jamie? I could get used to that. “Alright, let’s head upstairs and to bed.” I say as I lead her up to my room. For once, it is actually clean.

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