Chapter Five

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Our fight lasted for an hour or two before his doctor decided we stayed the night. Stuart didn't want to; he even argued to his doctor, saying spews of lies about having deadlines for homework and such.

Heck, I didn't want to either. I had a lot of things to do at home, but the doctor insisted. And it was for Stuart so I agreed.

Stuart had gotten more stubborn than ever. He wouldn't listen to me anymore.

I spent the whole night walking from the hospital bed to the toilet and back. Stuart had been vomiting more and eating less; he said he wasn't hungry but his stomach screamed otherwise. Pale and weak, he didn't even have the energy to argue with me about the show we watched on the television.

It hurt me to hear Stuart groan in pain; he did so from dusk to dawn. I couldn't do anything but to assist him and do what his doctor asked.

My poor baby brother. If only I could take away his pain, I would.

Sitting on a chair beside him, I watched him sleep. Anytime now he would wake up and vomit nothing but saliva since he hasn't been eating. I had been keeping track, and it wasn't hard to notice the stains on my dress. Combing his hair, I left a kiss on his forehead.

I placed a white pale under his bed in case he wouldn't make it to the toilet.

Sighing, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I found myself smiling when I saw Zac's name on the screen. "How's Stuart?"

I was about to reply when he called me shortly after. Stuart was sleeping soundly, probably too tired from his prior trips to the toilet. I didn't want to wake him up.

Tiptoeing outside our room, I answered.

"Zac, hi," I said, tucking my hair behind my ear. I didn't realize my smile had already grown bigger. 

"Hey. How's your brother?"

"He's getting better, I think."

"Great. You think he would be alright by himself tomorrow?" he asked, eagerness trailed in his voice.

My brows arched upon the suggestion. "What do you mean? Where are we going?"

"Well, I have a game tomorrow and I want you to watch me play."

"Um," I clicked my tongue, hesitating to answer, "Sorry, Zac. I'm busy."

"If you're worried about Stuart, I'm sure Dr. Thompson would take care of him."


Taking a deep breath, I replied, "Alright. But no promises."

Our conversation ended. Hearing his voice restored my energy from a rather tiring night.

The incident with my brother made me forget the incredible night I had with Zac earlier today.


When morning had risen, the doctor finally released him. We could go home. Yes. I could resume giving Stuart a taste of his own medicine.

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