Chapter 11

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Throughout the remaining hours of the train ride, Lydia carefully increased Sherlock's suspicion of her. She didn't want him to turn his attention to any of her friends when Zoe was actually carrying a number of valuable diamonds, so she figured the easiest thing was to convince him that she was carrying the merchandise. So she put on an act of nervousness, but would then catch Sherlock watching her and let it melt away, knowing that he would notice the change and assume that she was feeling the pressure rising.

He barely took her eyes off of her as they alighted the train and made their way through the station. Once arriving at the hotel, Lydia explored the reception area while Noah checked the group in and John got rooms for himself and Sherlock. As she had anticipated, Sherlock joined her as she separated from the rest of the group.

"It's a ghastly color, isn't it?" Lydia remarked as she observed the wall. "You're going to have to get used to it, I'm afraid. It seems to be the linking decor throughout the hotel. Perhaps that's why the rooms are so cheap."

He gave no response, but just stood next to her, observing the wall as well. Due to his distraction, Sherlock failed to notice Zoe sliding the pen over to Lawrence and Lawrence dropping it by a man sitting at one of the tables in the dining area on his way over to Lydia and Sherlock.

"John's finished booking your rooms and we're about to head up, if you two care to join us," Lawrence spoke, brushing his hand against Lydia's lightly to let her know that the delivery was complete.

Lydia smiled at him and nodded, "we're right behind you." But instead of following him, she turned to Sherlock, "I would apologise that you have to stay in this dingy hotel, but it was your decision so I suppose that's unnecessary."

He turned to her, tearing his eyes from the nauseating color, "I've stayed in worse places, I can assure you."

"Well now you've got me quite curious," she replied, turning to follow Lawrence. "What places are you referring to?"

"Drug dens."

Lydia was somewhat surprised by his blunt response, but chose not to comment on it. Instead, she simply gave a nod and caught up with the rest of the group waiting for them. John gave Sherlock a look which he ignored completely, and they took the lift up to their respective rooms. The four actors were sharing a small double without a window, a tight squeeze for the four of them, but the cheapest option. John had managed to get two rooms across the hall from them for himself and Sherlock, both feeling less closed in with the help of the windows.

After dropping off the little luggage that they had all brought with them, Lawrence, Noah, and Zoe insisted on going out and taking a walk around Edinburgh. It was something they tended to do at each place they visited, no matter how many times they had been there before, but Lydia did not feel up to sight seeing. It had been an exhausting train ride spent trying to fool one of the greatest detectives and now she just wanted to relax with a cup of tea and a warm shower.

Sherlock, however, had other ideas. Almost immediately after her three friends left the room, he was knocking on her door. She opened it begrudgingly, knowing that her plans for a relaxing evening had completely disappeared.

"What do you want, Sherlock? Everyone's gone out, they're certainly more likely to accomplish whatever illegal task you think we've been assigned to complete," she grumbled, allowing him inside the small room.

Sherlock nodded, "I agree, which is why I sent John to keep an eye on them while I watched you, the person who seems least likely to be completing the mission."

She snorted, "you really think John's going to be keeping an eye out on the group? I think he'll be too distracted by Zo. Maybe that was our plan all along. Zoe was tasked with seducing John and I'm in charge of distracting you. We knew you would suspect the one person staying behind and now Lawrence and Noah can do whatever they please."

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