Chapter 48

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Lydia slipped out of Speedy's at the end of her shift, looking forward to a nice cuppa back at the flat. She had just worked her final shift at the cafe, much to Mr. Chatterjee's annoyance, who had apparently thought that she would be staying on a bit longer. She apologised profusely, but honestly did not understand why he was so desperate to keep her. He had accepted a few more workers since she had gotten the job and he was not in as dire need for her. Besides, there were quite a few times she had had to cut work short to follow Sherlock to one of his crime scenes.

But Zoe, Lawrence, and Noah were going to be returning the next day and Sherlock had been planning their next steps to take down the Rose Foundation. He had a theory of how to remove Lydia's locket as well as a plan to infiltrate Stinton's office for the information that they needed to take down the Foundation. The two events had to coincide in order to limit the chance of someone getting hurt. Not surprising to Lydia, Mycroft had refused to donate his own resources to provide protection for Lydia's friends, so Sherlock had been in contact with Scotland Yard, who begrudgingly promised a few officers and a safe house for the actors.

Now that the plans were set, Lydia was getting a bit nervous that something would go wrong, but she trusted Sherlock with her life. Which was something she would have to do, since it was going to be her, Sherlock, and John that were going to slip into Stinton's mansion during his party in two days time, concealed by pre-planned disguises.

But now, Lydia could simply head back to 221B and take a moment to relax and check up on her friends before their flight. Those plans quickly disappeared as John and Sherlock emerged from the block of flats, Sherlock immediately grabbing Lydia by the arm and ushering her along with them.

"Sherlock, where are we-you can let go, you know," Lydia exclaimed as she was dragged along the pavement, having to take a moment to adjust to Sherlock's fast pace.

But Sherlock kept his hand on Lydia's arm as he explained, "we're looking into a stolen painting, your expertise may be needed."

Lydia huffed, ripping her arm out of Sherlock's grasp, "are you ever going to believe me when I tell you that I'm not a smuggler?"

"No," Sherlock replied curtly as Lydia playfully nudged him, her lips spreading into a large smile. It had become a bit of a game for them, convincing the Foundation that Lydia was a faithful member of their organisation while all the while she was plotting their downfall with the help of the clever detective beside her.

Lydia slipped one hand into the crook of Sherlock's elbow and the other into John's, keeping them close to her as they strolled down the pavement. She was still unsure what was going to happen to her after exposing the Rose Foundation, but she was going to enjoy her last few days with the boys while she could just in case those days were numbered.

Truth be told, she was missing performing something fierce and was hoping to perhaps start an actual career once this all blew over, but she knew she would also miss her little adventures with the boys.

"So, why are you waisting your time with a stolen painting, Sherlock? Seems a bit boring compared to your typical array of murders."

"It's connected to a number of explosions that rang throughout the city last night, not that the police have made that connection yet. Besides, the gallery director was quite desperate for my help. John seemed quite excited by the money they were offering, doubt he would let me turn the case away."

They arrived at the train station in longer time than it would have taken them had they gone by cab, but none of the trio were complaining as they had rather enjoyed the walk.after Sherlock purchased the tickets, they settled down on the train for the two hour ride to Bedfordshire.

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