The Dance

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Long, orange robes rumbled in the wind as Aang rapidly walked through the streets of the Fire Nation. He furiously ran from merchant to merchant, looking through their wares trying to find a stone for Katara's new necklace. Finally, Aang settles upon a stall in the heart of the town square. After wading through all of the red and black gems, he found a lone, round moonstone at the bottom of the pile. It was rough, but Aang didn't mind having to smooth it down. As he turned it over in his hands, he felt the valleys and peaks of the stone. He liked the light, almost translucent color of the gem. The color of the moonstone was blue but almost resembled ice. It had an airy feel to it and he knew this was the one. As he paid the merchant, who gave in after objecting to taking money from the Avatar several times, Aang turned quickly on his heel to be met with an old friend.

"Aang? Or should I say 'Kuzon'?"

The words uttered were followed with a giggle from a now slightly taller but all too familiar On Ji. Aang's eyes widened at his old friend from his short enrollment at Fire Nation school. Surprisingly, he had not seen her in eight years. It felt more awkward now because he never got a chance to explain to her who he really was. Now, she had clearly figured out, but that didn't stop Aang from sweating with embarrassment.

"Oh! Hey On Ji, long time no see. Sorry about not say-"

On Ji giggled with a grin, "Aang, you don't have to apologize. If I were you, I would have stayed hidden, too. I'm just glad it all worked out and you helped bring peace back. I'm still so ashamed of everything my people did to your people and other people of the world. You're so brave and I wanted to say thanks."

Aang smiled with a tint of red on his cheeks. His blush didn't last long as his eyes began to travel from her face to her protruding belly. He didn't want to ask if she was pregnant, knowing from Katara that you never ask a woman this. He rubbed his neck nervously, still feeling exposed and vulnerable, "Well, no need to thank me, it's what I do, but thank you for sharing. So, how have you been? Are you still with Hide?"

On Ji rolled her eyes and laughed, "Oh, goodness, no! I haven't thought about him in years. We broke up when we finished school. I just got married a few months back, his name's Kenji. He's so nice and really funny, too. You would get along, I think. We're expecting our first child in two months actually."

Aang beamed, excited for his friend but also relieved she wasn't with Hide anymore, "That's great, On Ji! I've been married for two years, too. Do you remember Katara?"

On Ji giggled again, "Oh, yes, the girl you danced with in the cave? I've seen her a few times since you've gotten married. She's beautiful. I wondered if there was something between you all those years ago and it turns out I was right!"

The two friends laughed and filled each other in on what they had been up to since the end of the war. After the talking died down, On Ji sighed contentedly, "Well, Aang, I must be getting back home to make dinner. It really was great to see you again and I'm so proud to have known you back then, even if you were undercover. You really changed things in all of our lives for the better. I don't know what your plans are but I'd love to have you for dinner tonight." Aang turned this proposition over in his mind. While he would love to meet her husband and get to know each other more, he had a task to accomplish. "On Ji, thank you for your offer, but unfortunately I have business with Fire Lord Zuko and I must be on my away. Maybe another time?" he asked with a smile. On Ji smiled and nodded, "Absolutely, mustn't keep the Fire Lord waiting." On Ji left after a small bow, leaving Aang with his thoughts on a walk back to Appa.

Aang walked through the crowded streets with a grin on his face. He thought fondly of his time at the Fire Nation school. Being treated like a normal kid with normal problems would always be a loving memory of his. Aang chuckled when he was sent to the principal's office. All of those years ago, he would have given anything to trade places with any of the kids in that school. Now, he doesn't wallow in regret or what-ifs anymore. He knows he was destined to be the Avatar and bring peace, which he has been successful at so far. Aang was also keenly aware of how being the Avatar is one of the reasons Katara was brought into his life. His mind began to flashback to their cave dance party.

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